How is the corona virus affecting you?

Even Covid-19 is discriminating against Black Americans. Higher mortality rates. A lot probably has to do with poverty rates. Poorer people get poorer health care. And, people who think discrimination has nothing to do with household income by race, they live in a parallel universe.

BTW, Duck, your neighbor was only beaten up. He wasn't shot seven times in the back by a cop. He didn't have a cop put a knee on his neck until he died. He wasn't shot dead by a cop for being an "intruder" ... in his own home. It is not "nonsense."

Just to make it absolutely clear, that is not, and never has been, my view of things. I found myself in the bizarre situation of being a white male, with a grammar school and university education, arguing in favour of BLM against a man who is black and who has suffered police aggression and many other forms of racism in his life. As I said, I just found the whole conversation bizarre and bewildering.
As an uneducated Atheist Jew who has been subject to antisemitism on occasion I don't find it confusing. When I lived in Jamaica for a time I had a black Guyanese girlfriend. She and her family would refer to Jamaican men as lazy N words.
As an uneducated Atheist Jew who has been subject to antisemitism on occasion I don't find it confusing. When I lived in Jamaica for a time I had a black Guyanese girlfriend. She and her family would refer to Jamaican men as lazy N words.
I can follow that - when I worked in Eritrea, one of my colleagues, who was black and Eritrean, would quite often make snide remarks about people that he described as "black," apparently on the basis that he saw himself as "brown" and somehow superior. Just weird.
somehow superior
That is the ethos of a racist. One of the biggest cosmetic products ( now banned) in the UK and America was skin bleaching cream. I was amazed at the ignorance of many Iconic black figures in the seventies who would quite rightly attack the white establishment whilst wearing gold from apartheid South Africa around their necks. I never have and never will tolerate bigotry. Within the Labour party I was called a racist for refusing to support sanctions against South Africa which I found to be hypocrisy. At that time more indigenous Australians had died in prison than Black people died in S/A prisons. But of course sanctions against Australia with the queen as head of state.........
Apology to Australia's Indigenous peoples
I can follow that - when I worked in Eritrea, one of my colleagues, who was black and Eritrean, would quite often make snide remarks about people that he described as "black," apparently on the basis that he saw himself as "brown" and somehow superior. Just weird.
One true fact of life - people will always find a way to discriminate.
I heard today that our post office has a list of destinations displayed to which they are refusing to post mail. Europe and Australia are on the list.

On Saturday last I received the UK Pension department form to complete to prove that I am still alive. They want it returned in 12 weeks. We are checking the acceptability of scanned forms.
We found out yesterday that while we're not going back to work full-time until January at the earliest, we are allowed to apply to come in and work if we want, on a rotating basis, and we can also apply to come in on a one-time basis to pick up any personal items we may have left behind when we left in March.
Just to make it absolutely clear, that is not, and never has been, my view of things. I found myself in the bizarre situation of being a white male, with a grammar school and university education, arguing in favour of BLM against a man who is black and who has suffered police aggression and many other forms of racism in his life. As I said, I just found the whole conversation bizarre and bewildering.

If BLM, why is there so many black on black murders, including drive bys? These athletes talk about "social injustice", but I've never heard them speak out about black on black crime.
Just when you were all looking forward to one of those nice political ding-dongs along comes a boring Mod to steer things to back on topic. :)

Nest Sunday being the planned date for departing to Cyprus, we are booked in for Covid tests on Friday - evidence of a negative test taken with the 72 hours prior to departure is a pre-requisite for boarding the plane. We are guaranteed the results by e-mail by midnight on Saturday, and then have to complete an on-line questionnaire from the Cypriot Government to which we attach the test results. This has to be submitted and approved within the 24 hours prior to flying. The plane leaves at 11:20 on Sunday morning. What could possibly go wrong?

Furthermore, we heard anecdotally this morning that our area may be on the verge of a local lockdown due to a spike in cases caused by a non-compliant town-centre pub. Could be an interesting week.
epicuric I had thoughts of going to Cyprus in October but they're not allowing portuguese in and anyway Ledra crossing is closed. I sincerely hope you make it and that you enjoy your trip.
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