How is the corona virus affecting you?

I´m currently in my home town, visiting my oldies (combined age: 184:hyper::hyper:)
An aunt was going to pick me up today , but I got a call 10 minutes before saying:
" I´m sorry, but my son says he doesn´t want anyone outside of the family in the car to avoid infection, because he´s going on vacation to the Maldives". He´s going to the Maldives on 5th of MARCH!!
Honestly? Haven´t seen him for over 15 years. I´m insulted and really p****d off with paranoid hysteria over the Covid. I´ve had 3 jabs, and tested negative 2,8 and 10 days ago. I also wear a mask when in public. Want to be a paranoid hysteric? Then don´t travel, order in, don´t leave your house and spray everything with alcohol every ten minutes. In fact, don´t even talk on the phone - you never know, the dreaded Covid might be transmitted through the airwaves.
If by any chance he calls when he returns from the bloody Maldives, I´m going to tell him to go play with the traffic.
Without a mask.
Honestly? Haven´t seen him for over 15 years. I´m insulted and really p****d off with paranoid hysteria over the Covid.
I know, it’s a shame you won’t get that visit in, but ultimately, we all have our own comfort level when dealing with this, and that’s just how it is. I may not like it, but I wouldn’t bust someone’s chops over it. He’s got to do what he’s comfortable with.

Hopefully, you can some other visits in! :)
I´m currently in my home town, visiting my oldies (combined age: 184:hyper::hyper:)
An aunt was going to pick me up today , but I got a call 10 minutes before saying:
" I´m sorry, but my son says he doesn´t want anyone outside of the family in the car to avoid infection, because he´s going on vacation to the Maldives". He´s going to the Maldives on 5th of MARCH!!
Honestly? Haven´t seen him for over 15 years. I´m insulted and really p****d off with paranoid hysteria over the Covid. I´ve had 3 jabs, and tested negative 2,8 and 10 days ago. I also wear a mask when in public. Want to be a paranoid hysteric? Then don´t travel, order in, don´t leave your house and spray everything with alcohol every ten minutes. In fact, don´t even talk on the phone - you never know, the dreaded Covid might be transmitted through the airwaves.
If by any chance he calls when he returns from the bloody Maldives, I´m going to tell him to go play with the traffic.
Without a mask.

Yeah, I'd say the guy is taking the Covid threat a wee bit too seriously. My sister is leaving on a cruise in a few weeks, and she is being a little extra careful (although being a hospital RN, she already has to be careful), but your friend is going overboard, IMO.

I still wear a mask indoors in public. I'm not required to do that, but I feel it is prudent -- and it really isn't a hassle at this point. I'm used to it. But if someone is vaxxed, tested and wears a mask, I'm certainly not going to get worried about them riding in my car.

" I´m sorry, but my son says he doesn´t want anyone outside of the family in the car to avoid infection, because he´s going on vacation to the Maldives". He´s going to the Maldives on 5th of MARCH!!

As I think you know, I'm one of those (in Maidstone where you are right now) who is ultra careful and I currently don't mix with anyone or go to shops, pubs etc. That means I wouldn't dream of going on holiday either.

I´m insulted and really p****d off with paranoid hysteria over the Covid.

I would find your remarks upsetting if I hadn't already chatted to you via PM. I don't think you are referring to people like me.

What is really making you angry, I would have thought, is that he isn't being ultra cautious because he is concerned for his health but because he wants to go on holiday. That's not paranoia, that's 'I don't want my holiday spoiled' and he is prioritising that over seeing you.

Want to be a paranoid hysteric? Then don´t travel, order in, don´t leave your house and spray everything with alcohol every ten minutes.

Well, I do most of the above, although I don't spray everything all the time. I disinfect stuff coming from the supermarket when it arrives. I simply can't afford to get ill because I'm a carer but also because I have a heart issue. Am I paranoid? I don't think so and I'm certainly not hysterical - well I've been known to get hysterical, but not over Covid!
I´m currently in my home town, visiting my oldies (combined age: 184:hyper::hyper:)
An aunt was going to pick me up today , but I got a call 10 minutes before saying:
" I´m sorry, but my son says he doesn´t want anyone outside of the family in the car to avoid infection, because he´s going on vacation to the Maldives". He´s going to the Maldives on 5th of MARCH!!
Honestly? Haven´t seen him for over 15 years. I´m insulted and really p****d off with paranoid hysteria over the Covid. I´ve had 3 jabs, and tested negative 2,8 and 10 days ago. I also wear a mask when in public. Want to be a paranoid hysteric? Then don´t travel, order in, don´t leave your house and spray everything with alcohol every ten minutes. In fact, don´t even talk on the phone - you never know, the dreaded Covid might be transmitted through the airwaves.
If by any chance he calls when he returns from the bloody Maldives, I´m going to tell him to go play with the traffic.
Without a mask.
I can't tell from that whether you were going to meet up with your cousin, travel in the car with him, or if he wasn't going to be there but just didn't want someone in the car that he was going to use later?

If it was either of the former then to be honest, if I was planning on going on holiday soon (especially to somewhere rather expensive like the Maldives) I wouldn't be going anywhere for a couple of weeks beforehand and I certainly wouldn't be meeting up with a cousin I hadn't seen for over a decade. That's exactly what we do every time before we go on holiday...its not about being paranoid about Covid, its because you can't travel if you catch it.

If it was just about having someone in the car that he was going to use later....then yes, I'd be a bit miffed too.
What is really making you angry, I would have thought, is that he isn't being ultra cautious because he is concerned for his health but because he wants to go on holiday. That's not paranoia, that's 'I don't want my holiday spoiled' and he is prioritising that over seeing you.
He was giving me a lift from my brother´s house to my parents´ house . Not even 2 miles. AND the fact that he automatically assumed I´d be a risk, without actually having asked where I´ve been this week (Nowhere). That´s what miffed me. I went on the bus, eventually. And if he was really worried beforehand, he should have said: " I can´t pick you up" - not cancel five minutes beforehand.
I´m currently in my home town, visiting my oldies (combined age: 184:hyper::hyper:)
An aunt was going to pick me up today , but I got a call 10 minutes before saying:
" I´m sorry, but my son says he doesn´t want anyone outside of the family in the car to avoid infection, because he´s going on vacation to the Maldives". He´s going to the Maldives on 5th of MARCH!!
Honestly? Haven´t seen him for over 15 years. I´m insulted and really p****d off with paranoid hysteria over the Covid. I´ve had 3 jabs, and tested negative 2,8 and 10 days ago. I also wear a mask when in public. Want to be a paranoid hysteric? Then don´t travel, order in, don´t leave your house and spray everything with alcohol every ten minutes. In fact, don´t even talk on the phone - you never know, the dreaded Covid might be transmitted through the airwaves.
If by any chance he calls when he returns from the bloody Maldives, I´m going to tell him to go play with the traffic.
Without a mask.
Well, you can't blame him too much, fear and guilt has been the tactic by gov't and legacy media from the very beginning to make sure people conform. The problem with that biologically isn't a good place to be.....imagine your body being in the fight or flight mode for 2 years, trust me your not going to be able to think straight. Not all Countries have done this, some actually treated their population with respect.
Well, you can't blame him too much, fear and guilt has been the tactic by gov't and legacy media from the very beginning to make sure people conform. The problem with that biologically isn't a good place to be.....imagine your body being in the fight or flight mode for 2 years, trust me your not going to be able to think straight. Not all Countries have done this, some actually treated their population with respect.

If he was that afraid about catching covid he wouldn't be going on holiday to the Maldives, in a plane with a load of strangers. This isn't paranoia driven by fear and guilt, this is 'I don't want my expensive holiday ruined'!
If he was that afraid about catching covid he wouldn't be going on holiday to the Maldives, in a plane with a load of strangers. This isn't paranoia driven by fear and guilt, this is 'I don't want my expensive holiday ruined'!
A good excuse. It's still irrational. The people including his immediate family could easily transmit covid, and it's probably the imaginary bubble that makes people feel secure all the while it being where most of the transmission during the pandemic has taken place. If being triple vaxxed and with negative tests isn't enough then he should demand his immediate family including himself to have a daily PCR or similar test consistently right up until he travels so his travel plans aren't compromised, that would be consistant with that logic.

The other Irrational measure is the Maldives for example requires a negative PCR test up to 96 hours before departure. I guess people are not capable of contracting covid up to 96 hours before entering the Maldives, good to know. Not only are entry restrictions when a country has wide spread covid in it's population ridiculously political but very costly on people for no good reason. People and families have been stuck in airports, cities and Countries sometimes indefinitely, with no science to back that up. Putting up a border restriction for a country that has almost no covid spread is the only justification, and even then it's shortsighted. but to restrict travel when covid has been transmitting for 2 years within it's population makes about as much sense as closing the barn door after the horses have got out.
There are all kinds of illnesses..Being afraid, paranoid, and depressed are also illnesses caused by some of these man made actions..Looking back on the two years of this I am actually grateful that I have had to go to work every day and deal with the public 6 days a week. At the beginning, I envied those who could work from home....So, my life didn't change much routine wise..unlike a some people close to me who have changed considerably due to their decisions..not to fault them at all, everybody has their level of comfort and risk, and I would never say that to them, but there are many other types of casualties because of this..And the virus isn't to blame for some of it..
There are all kinds of illnesses..Being afraid, paranoid, and depressed are also illnesses caused by some of these man made actions..Looking back on the two years of this I am actually grateful that I have had to go to work every day and deal with the public 6 days a week. At the beginning, I envied those who could work from home....So, my life didn't change much routine wise..unlike a some people close to me who have changed considerably due to their decisions..not to fault them at all, everybody has their level of comfort and risk, and I would never say that to them, but there are many other types of casualties because of this..And the virus isn't to blame for some of it..
The socio and psychological and economical repercussions have never or rarely been discussed. These studies are taking place now and will come out over time and I have a feeling they're not going to bode well for humankind. Cheers.
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Well, you can't blame him too much, fear and guilt has been the tactic by gov't and legacy media from the very beginning to make sure people conform. The problem with that biologically isn't a good place to be.....imagine your body being in the fight or flight mode for 2 years, trust me your not going to be able to think straight. Not all Countries have done this, some actually treated their population with respect.


My best friend and his wife have still not been vaccinated. They are still "thinking about it." Why, because the anti-gov't crowd and non "legacy" media keep telling people not to get the shots, for various reasons from you'll go sterile to mind control nano-bots in the shots. In my friend's case, he read/heard somewhere that he shouldn't get the vax because he was treated for cancer three years ago. He knows I've been treated for cancer and got vaccinated, and I asked him if he talked to his oncologist (at MD Anderson Caner Center) about it, and his oncologist recommended that he get the vaccination. But, the "alternative facts" media say we shouldn't trust doctors and scientists.

So on one hand, you have people afraid to go out of the house, and on the other you have people afraid to get a safe and effective vaccine that could save their lives.

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