How many meals a day do you eat?

3 Jul 2014
Local time
12:30 AM
Do you eat three square meals a day - breakfast, lunch and dinner, or do you take snacks in between meals...that is, mid morning and during the afternoon? I once heard it said that eating small portions throughout the day is healthier than eating three full meals a day. However, I have always been in the habit of eating three square meals a day - breakfast, lunch and supper. I do not really snack in between these meals. Actually, I do not feel the need to do so. I am also aware that there are some people who tend to skip breakfast all together, but it has been said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

What is your routine as far as eating meals is concerned?
I usually have a very light breakfast, usually only some low fat yogurt. Then I have two regular meals with lunch and dinner. I rarely eat snacks in between meals, I know that is bad, but I can never remember to eat anything else.
I definitely eat snacks between meals and when I'm in school I often skip lunch altogether. It's hard to fit food into my work and school schedule sometimes so snacking is was gets me from breakfast to dinner!
I eat breakfast between 6 and 6.30am so I'm ready for a good meal by the middle of the day. Then a light meal or snack in the late afternoon/early evening meal is all I need.

I generally have a bowl of oatmeal and fruit for breakfast. Lunch is a cooked meal and my last meal of the day can be hot, cold or snack-based.
I eat 4 or 5 small meals a day. I find it's way better for me since I don't end up feeling heavy and draggy after big meals and also I get to eat with a bit more variety. The only downside is that I spend a but more time eating, though not by that much anyway so I don't really mind.
I eat 3 meals, breakfast, lunch, main meal in the evening. During the week breakfast is early so at about 10am I eat an apple to help me get through to 12.30 lunch.
Do you eat three square meals a day - breakfast, lunch and dinner, or do you take snacks in between meals...that is, mid morning and during the afternoon? I once heard it said that eating small portions throughout the day is healthier than eating three full meals a day. However, I have always been in the habit of eating three square meals a day - breakfast, lunch and supper. I do not really snack in between these meals. Actually, I do not feel the need to do so. I am also aware that there are some people who tend to skip breakfast all together, but it has been said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

What is your routine as far as eating meals is concerned?
Normally this is how my day goes.... I eat a small snack in the morning with hot tea and around lunch time I have something light like a bowl of cereal or a bagel with peanut butter and jelly. At dinner it is pretty typical, meat or fish, a side dish and a vegetable. I do also have a snack later in the evening.

I know I should be eating a better breakfast but I have never been a breakfast person. My stomach is always upset in the morning so I'm never really hungry. :(
I have been trying to pick healthier things for snacks though... fruits or a few crackers is what I normally have. :)
Danyel :)
Two square meals a day, morning and evening...with a snack at noon and in the afternoon.

If you ask me how many snacks a day that I eat, then I'll have to admit to being like a Hobbit in that regard. (Eating five times a day.)
I eat three meals per day. I usually skip breakfast mostly because it's a habit. I'm trying to do better because I tend to eat more calories late in the day. Sometimes I may snack during the day when I do make time to eat a full meal.
As I hate to admit this but I constantly eat! I nibble on veggies and fruit alot throughout the day along with having my three big meals. They say depression causes you to eat more then you need to and I believe it. I'm working on this.
The food I eat is generally varied, nutritious and interesting. However, the pattern I eat in is anything but good. I hardly ever eat breakfast and many days I skip lunch too. We always eat a home cooked evening meal as a family though.
As I hate to admit this but I constantly eat! I nibble on veggies and fruit alot throughout the day along with having my three big meals. They say depression causes you to eat more then you need to and I believe it. I'm working on this.

I was treated for depression a few years ago and I comfort ate, I lost my mum at the beginning of this month, she lost a long hard fight. As a result of the stress and worry I have been comfort eating again and drinking a few glasses of wine too many.
Usually 3 meals a day unless we are out on our bikes... then it is anyone's guess because I eat constantly when cycling - well hourly and start the day with breakfast, then 2nd breakfast, sometimes there is even a 3rd breakfast, then lunch, 2nd lunch, afternoon snack and evening meal.... but that is when doing plenty of miles. Otherwise it is breakfast, dinner, tea (evening meal that is).... but at the moment I am fighting a battle with my appetite having come back off a 2 week cycling tour where 10,000 calories a day still caused me to loose 2kg in weight! Thankfully I have only put 1kg back on, but it is very hard at the moment and being steroid dependant (and slightly depressed as well) does not help matters.

@Lullabelle you have my sympathies. I didn't know which me having been away on holiday at the time (and staying away from a certain thread on CC - sometimes it is too hard for me to deal with)
Usually 3 meals a day unless we are out on our bikes... then it is anyone's guess because I eat constantly when cycling - well hourly and start the day with breakfast, then 2nd breakfast, sometimes there is even a 3rd breakfast, then lunch, 2nd lunch, afternoon snack and evening meal.... but that is when doing plenty of miles. Otherwise it is breakfast, dinner, tea (evening meal that is).... but at the moment I am fighting a battle with my appetite having come back off a 2 week cycling tour where 10,000 calories a day still caused me to loose 2kg in weight! Thankfully I have only put 1kg back on, but it is very hard at the moment and being steroid dependant (and slightly depressed as well) does not help matters.

@Lullabelle you have my sympathies. I didn't know which me having been away on holiday at the time (and staying away from a certain thread on CC - sometimes it is too hard for me to deal with)

Thank you. TBH I have kept quiet about it on CC, not always easy to go on there.
Two full meals: breakfast and lunch. I make sure that I do not skip breakfast because I learned that it is the most important meal of the day. For lunch, I only eat vegetables, fruits, and chicken or fish. Sometimes, I skip dinner or eat small portions of vegetables again. :)
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