How often to you eat at a restaurant?


19 Sep 2013
Local time
10:47 AM
How often to you eat at a restaurant? I eat at a restaurant about twice a week :) I always order the same thing. Camembert cheese with mashed potato :D
A proper restaurant? Maybe... twice a year? When I eat out it's mostly at a pub or fast food... I really don't like restaurants. It's too... classy for me, not my thing at all.
Other than that I really love to cook myself so that already means that I only eat out on special occasions or when I simply don't have the time to cook.

How are you able to eat in a restaurant twice a week and always order the same thing? :D
whole baked camemberts baked in the box are widely available in the uk,I had one last week with mixed bread basket gherkins and red onion marmalade,i am sure a side order of pomme puree could be put on the side,if thats your thing
Hmm, I was the kind of person who used to have breakfast, lunch and dinner at a restaurant on a daily basis by my early 20s, when I used to work 9 to 5 at an office.

Later, I decided to work from home and this decision was beneficial, not just financially speaking because I could save all that money I used to spend in meals, but also to rediscover my passion for cooking myself.

Since then to date, I rarely visit a restaurant, perhaps I stop at a fast food place or cafeteria sometime when I go shopping and spend all day down the streets. Other than this, I don't see the point to go to a restaurant.
Not all that often, unless you count a cafe where we have a coffee and pastry as a restaurant - we do that about once a week maybe. If you allow MacDonalds or a pub dinner as a restaurant, we eat out maybe once a month.

A proper visit to a restaurant to eat in*, with wine and two or three courses is a treat, maybe once every couple of months.

*We do visit my local chinese restaurant to buy takeaway, maybe every couple of months. We mean to eat there, but the last time we tried they were full up all night!
Once a week with my husband since we usually have our date night on Saturday and go out to eat.I also always order the same thing and I like different restaurant. Some days we go to buffet,some days we'd go to Texas Roadhouse.
We try to eat out once a week. I work hard at my writing, and it's pretty cheap to eat out here in Spain anyway, so I think I deserve a treat. I wouldn't order the same thing though - I see eating out as the perfect opportunity to try new things, or stuff such as pasta and rice dishes that I don't cook often at home because Tony isn't that keen on them.
I love eating out but here in the UK its pretty expensive if you want to go to a decent place, l try to eat out once every two months as a treat:)
only a couple of times a year. It is too expensive to eat out often and there are very few resturants/pubs that cater for vegans around our way, so we have to factor in fuel costs as well - think having to drive for an hour to get to somewhere that does cater for vegans (other than the pub my brother works at which can usually rustle up something since my brother started eating my cooking and expanded their veggie range - he's a chef there and the pub is now pretty good at making something I can eat, even if I get no option as to what it is :( )
Very seldom these days. It's been too much of a hassle to arrange with my friends and family. Many of my current circle of friends are insufferable tight wads when it comes to going out to a nice dinner somewhere. On the rare occasion they do go with us, they spend the entire time complaining vocally about all the prices on the menu and how they didn't want to be there, ruining the evening for everyone else. Then they nit pick about every minute detail from the moment they sit down, about how incompetent the server is, how long the food is taking, how it didn't come out to the exact specific temperature they wanted, how they didn't like the taste of it, etc...
I only go to a restaurant when I go out to eat with my family or a date. I don't really like going to restaurants that much because it's a hassle getting a good table at some of them. The last time I went to a restaurant wad on my moms birthday.
. I wouldn't order the same thing though - I see eating out as the perfect opportunity to try new things, or stuff such as pasta and rice dishes that I don't cook often at home because Tony isn't that keen on them.

This is one of the only reasons to go to a restaurant. You get to try things that you wouldn't even think of making at home! I rarely cook anything complicated at home since I'm by myself and I'm used to eating pretty much anything. :D
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