Least favourite nut?


14 Oct 2013
Local time
2:18 AM
We all have our favourite nuts (mine just happens to be pistachios) and then there are our least favourite nuts. What is your least favourite? I'm sorry to all those peanut lovers out there, but my least favourite nut (on it's own) is the peanut. My stomach churns when I eat it and it leaves a ghastly taste in my mouth, so I can't even bring it down. :(
I used to really dislike walnuts. I was suspicious at their shape and they tended to have a bitter skin that I couldn't appreciate. Their brittleness also made them difficult to work into meals. I didn't like having them in salads because I didn't know how I was supposed to keep them on a spoon or run it through with a fork tine.

Recently though I tried some caramelized walnuts on pizza in one of these neat choose-your-own toppings pizza places, and it tasted great, contrasted the saltiness and brought it a more crunchy-starchy texture that I liked. I've heard that it's also rich in B-vitamins. So, maybe I just outgrew the dislike, maybe my taste buds were more sensitive to bitterness when I was younger.

I'm also not that fond of chestnuts on their own. The novelty's great, especially during the Christmas season, but they taste to me like sweet potatoes so I wonder why I don't just use sweet potatoes that give you more volume for less effort at getting out of its shell or skin? Of course now that I'm typing this I'm thinking of a meal that uses sweet potato that I can substitute chestnuts for.
Peanuts are not really nuts because they ground in pods under the ground and they are related to bean plants. Real nuts grow on trees. I prefer cashew nuts and almonds. I also like eating walnuts and brazil nuts when mixed with dates and other dried fruits. I'm not sure if pine nuts count as nuts but I like them also.
My least favorite would also be the peanut! I love peanut butter and other peanut products, but on their own, they're kind of disappointing! I love all other nuts, though.
I don't know what it is about cashews, but I have never been a fan. If I happen to have a container of mixed nuts, that's all that'll be left (that and peanuts, I don't like peanuts at all). My fave nuts are hands down almonds and pecans.
I used to really dislike walnuts. I was suspicious at their shape and they tended to have a bitter skin that I couldn't appreciate. Their brittleness also made them difficult to work into meals. I didn't like having them in salads because I didn't know how I was supposed to keep them on a spoon or run it through with a fork tine.

Recently though I tried some caramelized walnuts on pizza in one of these neat choose-your-own toppings pizza places, and it tasted great, contrasted the saltiness and brought it a more crunchy-starchy texture that I liked. I've heard that it's also rich in B-vitamins. So, maybe I just outgrew the dislike, maybe my taste buds were more sensitive to bitterness when I was younger.

I'm also not that fond of chestnuts on their own. The novelty's great, especially during the Christmas season, but they taste to me like sweet potatoes so I wonder why I don't just use sweet potatoes that give you more volume for less effort at getting out of its shell or skin? Of course now that I'm typing this I'm thinking of a meal that uses sweet potato that I can substitute chestnuts for.

I don't think that I've actually had chesnute before, but I love walnuts :) I never knew that there could be caramelized walnuts on pizza, this interests me, I may try it if I get the chance! :D

Peanuts are not really nuts because they ground in pods under the ground and they are related to bean plants. Real nuts grow on trees. I prefer cashew nuts and almonds. I also like eating walnuts and brazil nuts when mixed with dates and other dried fruits. I'm not sure if pine nuts count as nuts but I like them also.

They're not nuts, really? Wow, so basically my whole life I've been living a lie, aw T.T lol. Yes I agree, when its mixed with dates and other dried fruits (especially apricots I think), they're great! :D
I'm not too crazy about Brazil nuts but other than that I absolutely love all nuts.
I am not a big fan of peanuts or pecans. Peanuts just aren't really special to me and pecans don't have much flavor in my opinion, or they taste a bit too "earthy" for my liking. My favorite nut would have to be a salted cashew, I love those and could eat them all day, unfortunately they are high in fat and calories so I don't!
This may sound weird, but I'm not the biggest fan of peanuts. Just don't like the way they taste, they leave a funny taste in my mouth. Kind of grainy tasting to me.
I definitely have to say peanuts and almonds...and maybe brazil nuts. There's something about these three that just doesn't sit well with my taste buds :/ I can handle almonds sometimes but peanuts and brazil nuts are usually picked out of the mix if I was the only one eating it.
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