Recipe Manchester Pudding (to eat Cold).


15 Oct 2012
Local time
1:54 AM
I'll be raked over the coals for this one. You will however notice it's served cold.


3 oz. of grated bread,
½ pint of milk, a strip of lemon-peel,
4 eggs, 2 oz. of butter,
sugar to taste,
puff-paste, jam,
3 tablespoonfuls of brandy.

Flavour the milk with lemon-peel, by infusing it in the milk for½ hour; then strain it on to the bread crumbs, and boil it for 2 or 3 minutes; add the eggs, leaving out the whites of 2, the butter, sugar, and brandy; stir all these ingredients well together; cover a pie-dish with puff-paste, and at the bottom put a thick layer of any kind of jam; pour the above mixture, cold, on the jam, and bake the pudding for an hour. Serve cold, with a little sifted sugar sprinkled over.

JH Walsh, 1859
I found this also from the same author. I have to make it!

Original Receipt from 'The English Cookery Book' edited by JH Walsh Walsh 1859;

Manchester Pudding.
A pint of new milk boiled, three ounces of bread crumbs stewed in the boiling milk, and the grated rind of a lemon, are to be sweetened to the taste with lump sugar; then add the yolks and whites of four eggs, and three ounces of butter melted. Line a dish with a puff-paste, cover the bottom with preserve or marmalade, pour the pudding into it, and one hour will bake it.
I found this also from the same author. I have to make it!

Original Receipt from 'The English Cookery Book' edited by JH Walsh Walsh 1859;

Manchester Pudding.
A pint of new milk boiled, three ounces of bread crumbs stewed in the boiling milk, and the grated rind of a lemon, are to be sweetened to the taste with lump sugar; then add the yolks and whites of four eggs, and three ounces of butter melted. Line a dish with a puff-paste, cover the bottom with preserve or marmalade, pour the pudding into it, and one hour will bake it.
Same person, just that bit more given in the version posted.
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