

22 Aug 2015
Local time
8:54 PM
I was supposed to do a bunch of baking for an event on Sunday, but it got cancelled which left me with $20 worth of mascarpone cheese. I've never used this ingredient, and the recipe I was going to use it for isn't something that I really need to have around the house (5 dozen cream puffs anyone?).

I'm looking for something I can use mascarpone in other than cheesecake but I'm coming up at a bit of a loss. Does anyone have any favourite recipes using mascarpone that they could recommend?
The obvious choice would be Tiramisu which traditionally contains mascarpone. If you haven't made it before just google! But of course, you can use it in savoury dishes like pasta bakes. Or in sauces for chicken, mushrooms etc. You could also make easy no-churn ice-cream. This might be the best best option if you have a quantity to use up. Its also the easiest recipe possible! No cooking required. Just substitute half the cream for mascarpone in the following recipe: Easy no-churn ice-cream

You could try replacing all the cream with mascarpone. I think this would work, but haven't tried it.
it is one of the soft cheese that can be frozen,
freeze in small amounts and then use as required in pasta sauces ,or quiches,soups or makes a great stuffing under the skin on chicken supremes with basil
My vote goes to tiramisu, but if you have a lot of the stuff, you will probably need to use it in a few dishes. What about mixing it with some ricotta cheese and making some stuffed manacotti? I have not had that stuff in years, but it sounds so good right about now.
I was supposed to do a bunch of baking for an event on Sunday, but it got cancelled which left me with $20 worth of mascarpone cheese. I've never used this ingredient, and the recipe I was going to use it for isn't something that I really need to have around the house (5 dozen cream puffs anyone?).

I'm looking for something I can use mascarpone in other than cheesecake but I'm coming up at a bit of a loss. Does anyone have any favourite recipes using mascarpone that they could recommend?
What about a nice tiramisu? I am pretty sure that takes mascapone cheese. If you didn't want to make the classic tiramisu with the lady fingers, I have seen other recipes online that make it like a pudding or something. I think with a little creativity, you will be able to make a lot of excellent things with your chees. Good Luck and happy cheesing!
it is one of the soft cheese that can be frozen,
freeze in small amounts and then use as required in pasta sauces ,or quiches,soups or makes a great stuffing under the skin on chicken supremes with basil

Oh I'm so glad to hear this! I am definitely going to take the suggestions in this thread and try my hand at a delicious tiramisu, but I have such a huge quantity of this stuff I think it would take me months to use it all!
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