Most Hated Food Smells


14 Mar 2014
Local time
12:04 PM
I hate almost all seafood, especially shellfish, and whenever I smell any type of these, I feel very nauseous and somewhat disgusted. I don't know why this is, though, as this is something I've had ever since I could remember, and even though there are a good amount of different foods that I don't like, no other smell makes me as revolted the smell of shellfish. On a slightly unrelated note, I think I have a natural distaste for the sea because I don't like beaches either.

Do any food smells make you feel the same way as I do, and if so, do you like these foods and just hate the smell, or do you hate everything about them?
Corned beef, Brussels sprouts, and hash would be a few for me - don't like the smell and don't like the taste.
Cabbage! Hash! Eggs! I can't stand the smells of these three but I can eat cabbage and eggs as long as I don't smell them strong. Odd, I know.
Brussel sprouts and sea food are my two least favorite smells ever!
Broccoli that has been cooked has a bad aroma though it is good for the body. Though I love the smell and taste of bacon, other cooked pork products tend to make me nauseous. Sometimes, fresh melon scents are a turn-off as well as garlic cloves that have burned (scorched).
Raw meat! I can stand it! Of course there are other smells I hate, but raw meat is the one that can easily make me gag! It just smells strong and it's so disgusting!! I am a big carnivore, I love meat, but the smell of the raw thing just puts me off!
Cooked cabbage, because it reminds me of the gross cabbage dishes I had to eat when I was a child. Also since I stopped eating meat the smell of barbecue and charred meat bothers me.
I agree that seafood probably has the most pungent smell ever. But I cannot say that I really hate it. It just requires some getting used too, and whenever I think I might get disgusted by the smell of seafood, I just think about the awesome meals you can make out of fresh fish and such.
I can't think of any "real" food smells that I hate, but I cannot stand the smell that Subway pipes out of their stores. I know it's supposed to be a freshly baked bread scent, but it smells terrible to me and no way can that be natural.
Subway is definitely not natural and their overpriced sandwiches are really not worth the money they charge. They are so easy to reproduce at home, its incredible, and all you would need are an assortment of veg, different kinds of ham and salami and the sauces, and then just toss your sandwich into the oven for a while. Even the bread they use can be store-bought at low prices. At least here in my country.
My most hated food smells is the one that comes from an old raw egg you will cook and did not know it is several days old and when you crack its shell it releases a very bad smell.
Subway is definitely not natural and their overpriced sandwiches are really not worth the money they charge. They are so easy to reproduce at home, its incredible, and all you would need are an assortment of veg, different kinds of ham and salami and the sauces, and then just toss your sandwich into the oven for a while. Even the bread they use can be store-bought at low prices. At least here in my country.

Oh definitely, I guess its good that there is a slightly healthier fast food option for people on the go (making your own is best, but not always feasible). But where I live you can find much better sandwich options on much better bread at the same price. It makes me sad that they try to pass off their tasteless, sugar laden loafs as good bread :(
Papaya. I don't know how anyone can eat it. It smells so horrible to me. I can't be near them in the grocery store without getting nauseated. I also don't like the smell of liver. I can't explain what it smells like to me but it's gross.

Shellfish doesn't bother me until it's starting to rot. That's a horrible smell. We walked by a business one day that had a truck parked outside containing shells from shucked oysters. That was nauseating. I would not have been a happy business owner as it was right by the entrance.
The smell of burning meat, bleh. I can't walk past a barbecue without having to hold my breath and if it feels like the smoke got on me I need to go change my clothes. I suppose it's part of being a vegetarian, since I don't remember having such a problem with it before I became one. Another thing that bothers me - and definitely always has - is chicken liver. My mom used to cook it for my dad and whenever she did I'd find myself needing to flee the house.
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