30 Mar 2017
Local time
8:53 PM
Detroit, USA

A pesto needs the following things: greens, nuts, cheese, and oil. Mustard greens are peppery, which adds a wonderful bite to the pesto. They are also stubborn from a texture standpoint: unlike more delicate greens, I had to chop them up before stuffing them in the food processor.

I also typically add garlic to my pesto; here, I used my stone ground mustard and a brown mustard instead. And. the cheese that frequently plays well with mustard is what I used here: Swiss cheese.

Instead of my usual olive oil, I used a teaspoon of oil from a bottle of anchovies, and canola oil for the remaining oil.

It all works, but it comes across as more of a Reuben sauce than a traditional pesto. NOTE: I first thought to ask of mustard greens qualified for the Challenge, and then I realized: it doesn't matter! I'm using mustard in the recipe.


2 cups mustard greens, chopped
1 tablespoon stone ground mustard
1 tablespoon brown mustard
1/3 cup almonds, chopped
1 tablespoon oil, or more for desired consistency
2 ounces Swiss cheese, grated
1/2 teaspoon salt, adjusted to taste


1. Pulse all but the cheese and salt in a food processor, scraping down the sides periodically with a spatula.


2. Check flavor of mixture; add more mustard if desired (don't laugh: you might want to!) Add cheese, and pulse, scraping down the sides periodically with a spatula. Add salt and oil as needed to achieve desired taste and consistency.

That's interesting (that you don't much like pesto). Me neither - but I've found almost everyone else does.
I think it's expected that pesto must be used on pasta. In that context, this is a different kind of pesto. It works really well on sandwiches. I actually did make pasta with sun dried tomatoes and chicken sausage, stirring the pesto in. I had to take a step back and reset my expectations for pasta, since it's unusual to have a mustard flavor in a pasta dish. Once I recalbrated myself. it was quite a terrific thing...something closer to a stroganoff.I will add pics when it's lunchtime.
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