My first cake


Senior Member
13 Sep 2018
Local time
4:33 AM
Hi everyone
So I recently joined and am a complete cooking newbie so I thought I would show you all my first ever attempt at baking. It was my girlfriend's birthday so I made her this cake. I am sure it must look like a dreadful mess but she loved it and it actually tasted ok!

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It looks great! even more so for a first time. I'm sure she really appreciated that you took the time and trouble to make a cake for her.
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That bee-otch. She told me she was single.

Just kidding. Looks good for a first go. The sprinkles make it.

Btw, I hope the candles aren't representative of her age...
Welcome to the family. This is a great place to find new recipes, expand your cooking skills, or just to hang out with some really friendly cooks from all over the world.

I think the cake looks delicious. I love the presentation. It screams "lets party". You've baked exactly one more cake than what I have :)
I remember making my first cake. I was somewhere between 10 and 12. Mom was too busy with work to make my birthday cake and was gonna buy one at the store but i had my heart set on a spice cake. So while she was at work i pulled out one of her cookbooks and made a cake. It looked fine and tasted like it should. I remember my sister's reaction the most...she exclaimed to mom, "she made a cake! She didn't use a box or anything."

Congrats on the cake making.
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