My first coconut bread

21 Oct 2014
Local time
9:31 PM
I made my first coconut bread and it turned out quite well considering it was my first time. I was a little nervous and for a while thought it might not work out well, but by the end of the experience I was smiling and my biggest critic my son was smiling. A job well done!

I am quite new to baking from scratch and still get excited when a recipe turns out well. Do you still get excited when you get a good result?.
My baking is always the same. It is fine and works, but it is never like wow! I'm much better with cooking.

Was there yeast in your coconut bread? It sounds awesome. They sell coconut buns at a Chinese market I go to and they are great. I've never considered to try and make them myself!
Congratulations! I am always happy when something I make turns out well. I don't recall ever having coconut bread, but I wonder if it is something my grandfather would like, as he loves coconut. What is involved in making coconut bread?
Coconut bread sounds good, I would also want to to know what is involved in making coconut bread. I like to bake and like coconuts.
Shame on me. I don't believe I did not post the recipe. In my country it's quite similar to what we call a "sweet bread". The difference is that the real veterans would never use packaged coconut flakes. As a child I would watch my mom using the grater and dried coconuts usually picked from my own trees. It seemed to take so much energy to produce a bread. I intend to introduce her to the coconut flakes and see how she feels about it. Anyway, here is the recipe I used. Next I will introduce to my local coconut bread.
I've never made a coconut bread before. Interesting recipe. Have you ever thought of incorporating other tropical fruits into the recipe? Like pineapple or mango? I'd like to use less sugar maybe incorporating more fruit is key.
I actually added some raisins and I cut back on some of the sugar. I also realised I was a little short on milk and added some water and a little butter as another site had recommended if ever you are short on milk. I am so please with how things turned out as it was a new recipe. Now I want to try a local bread which is quite similar. It is just going to require a lot more work as it relates to the preparation of the coconut from scratch.
I made my first coconut bread and it turned out quite well considering it was my first time

Congratulations. I am so glad for you. As you well know, coconut bread is a local delicacy here in our country. It is one of my favourite things too. My mother was great at making coconut bread, and she even made some to sell. Everyone complimented her on it. I have never made it though. I may try my hand at it one of these days. I too like it with raisins, but I know there are some people who prefer to have it without the raisins. Some also use cherries. I like my bread brown too.
Thanks for posting the recipe! That actually looks pretty easy, in that you could tinker with it slightly and it should still come out great. I love loaf type recipes, you almost can never go wrong with them. I wonder if you could also make this into muffin cups (so I could send it to school for the kids lunch).

I'm going to try this as soon as I get some coconut. Thanks for sharing!
Coconut bread sound bloomin' lovely! I could imagine a slice of it spread with Nutella - mmm!

Thank you for sharing the recipe, it looks really straightforward so I'll be giving it a try. I'll let you now how I get on!
I am glad everyone likes it. It's really good and my son likes to eat it with cheese. Those with a sweeter tooth might want to use something sweet like jam and I never thought about the nutella someone mentioned. The recipe did not call for raisins but I added some and it was great. I do believe there is room for tinkering especially with added fruits. It was so nice, I am going to do it twice.:D:D
I actually added some raisins and I cut back on some of the sugar. I also realised I was a little short on milk and added some water and a little butter as another site had recommended if ever you are short on milk. I am so please with how things turned out as it was a new recipe. Now I want to try a local bread which is quite similar. It is just going to require a lot more work as it relates to the preparation of the coconut from scratch.

Do you think it would work using coconut milk? When I first looked at the recipe link you shared it seemed to me to be more like a cake, but now that I've looked at it again, it reminds me a bit of banana bread. I don't like coconut flesh, either fresh or dried, but I do like to cook with the milk.
Thanks for sharing the link. My grandfather loves coconut when I get some time I'll have to try and make this for him. The recipe you shared looks, at least from the images, like a pound cake. For now I've saved the recipe to my Pinterest account for future reference.

I need to learn how to use my computer more efficiently and save all these recipes in one place. Anyway, it's more like a banana bread, not a cake. I made another one two days ago. I am really not sure about the coconut milk. Do you mean use the coconut milk and remove the coconut flakes or use the coconut milk in place of the regular milk? I can see the latter working but giving it a different taste.
I am thinking when I go shopping again I am going to get the natural coconut. I heard it's available in the supermarket. Then is when I will create something closer to our local coconut bread. With the flakes the texture is different and you can see the flakes. Not with our traditional bread.
I need to learn how to use my computer more efficiently and save all these recipes in one place... Do you mean use the coconut milk and remove the coconut flakes or use the coconut milk in place of the regular milk?

I mean the coconut milk in place of the dairy milk. I have used oat and almond milk for pancakes, but I have not tried baking with alternative milks. You don't have to know anything more than you do using sites like this one to save your recipes. Just go to and create an account and the site will walk you through the steps. You can create as many boards as you wish. I have them for different types of food as well as general cooking stuff.
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