Name an ingredient that wouldn't work in a salad

medtran49's view is correct in my opinion. Salad is a type of dish and you can put inside whatever you want and if you think it can't be done, there's is always a cook on this world who knows how to prepare it. We put gold foil on food.
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But have you tried it and actually like it? It would never get made here. Craig won't eat quinoa. Says it's like eating bugs.

No but I think it could work. I'd have to obtain some cocoa nibs to find out. Quinoa is just a grain and I tend to like all grains. I noticed Timenspace uses puffed quinoa quite often,
If steam is an ingredient then I won this game!
No but I think it could work. I'd have to obtain some cocoa nibs to find out. Quinoa is just a grain and I tend to like all grains. I noticed Timenspace uses puffed quinoa quite often,
Puffed quinoa is wonderful to me, but I do respect that some people are not willing to try that or simply do not like it...but it is doable.
Like my Mom for example, she probably would find it scary to try quinoa or chia seeds...just because she is in a certain state of mind and age and knows what works for her, and she is very uncomfortable stepping out of that. With all her medication and just habits, it is do not rock the boat if it sails...
But for me, I am much more open at this point in my life...I would not go crazy and eat cockroaches, (did I misspell those?) ...and again there are people who looove them, so ok...

I don't see why it would not work. If MorningGlory does like all the ingredients including the cocoa nibs...why not...and if Medtran or Craig do not like quinoa...there is plenty of substitutes...even for the cocoa nibs...
Maybe the nibs would work for some in a very sweet fruit salad or with squash...or on a vegetable ice cream, like carrot curry both are much more knowledgable than me...
Scaling the quantity could also work, just a dash...
So, the lesson I have learned is that one can put anything in a bowl with some lettuce, and call it a salad.

Salad isn't defined by lettuce. A good tomato salad for example, wouldn't usually contain lettuce. When I was a kid if someone said we were having salad I would assume it had lettuce in it. But that was an old fashioned working class British definition.

And yes, I reckon you can put most ingredients in salad.
No but I think it could work. I'd have to obtain some cocoa nibs to find out. Quinoa is just a grain and I tend to like all grains. I noticed Timenspace uses puffed quinoa quite often,
I liked quinoa once I learned how to treat and cook it, have a vegetarian chili rellenos that uses quinoa that.I thought he'd like for sure, but nope.
Ingredients that would be a challenge for me: ghost pepper or hotter chillies, thousand years old eggs, cat, dog, lutefisk, kæstur hákarl.
Stay healthy
The truth is that there are no food ingredients that cannot be creatively used in some kind of salad. Some things would be difficult, if not less than sensible to put in a salad, but the possibility is there. For example, coffee grounds in a salad is not very sensible, but with some challenge and creative intent, could go into some sort of salad. But it is not likely that you'll find coffee grounds in a salad.
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