Recipe Peanut butter sunflower power balls


Legendary Member
6 Mar 2021
Local time
7:02 AM
Zagreb, Croatia
100 g of raw pulsed sunflower seeds
about a 100 g of creamy peanut butter (either would do, creamy and /or crunchy)
4 pinches of salt (or to your taste)
2 pinches of black pepper (or to taste, or avoit if desired)
half a teaspoon of chinese or other spice mix that you like (5 spices etc)

Warm up the spices in a dry pan for a few minutes, add the raw pulsed sunflower seeds and stirr them until almost roasted (5-7 minutes). Cool completely down. Stirr in the peanut butter, work it out with a fork to combine well. Place the mixture in the fridge for 2-3 hours. Form balls with your hands. Serve as a side or a protein kick. Keep leftovers in the fridge, keeps long and the taste changes not, so you can enjoy it for days.

I served the balls with smoked trout fillet and a mixed salad. Use them in whatever combination you imagine would work well. Enjoy!

This is so original and inventive.

I agree. When I first saw the name, I thought this was primarily a snack food. But, the spices look like they work with the peanut butter to create a savory experience. I can also see these with noodles and a peanut sauce.
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