Recipe Philippine delights for dessert - Cassava Cake


28 May 2015
Local time
3:37 PM
Here is another Philippine delight called Cassava cake.

Ingredients: 1 kilo cassava, 1 shredded coconut, 1 can condensed milk, 1 cup sugar

Procedure: Shred the cassava and drain by pressing with the hand. Mix 2 cups of water with the shredded coconut and press to get the milk. Mix the coconut milk and condensed milk. Stir before mixing the sugar then stir until sugar is dissolved. Bake in 300 deg for 2 hours. Serve cold.
Here is another Philippine delight called Cassava cake.

Ingredients: 1 kilo cassava, 1 shredded coconut, 1 can condensed milk, 1 cup sugar

Procedure: Shred the cassava and drain by pressing with the hand. Mix 2 cups of water with the shredded coconut and press to get the milk. Mix the coconut milk and condensed milk. Stir before mixing the sugar then stir until sugar is dissolved. Bake in 300 deg for 2 hours. Serve cold.
I have moved this to a new thread. Can you add a picture/photo it would be fantastic. Knowing what you are aiming for helps quite a bit.
Wow, bake for 2 hours? This sounds like it's a pretty dense cake. I'm going to have to look up cassava, to see exactly what it is. I've heard of it before, but either forgot to look it up, or have forgotten what I found when I looked. I found this recipe online. I'm not posting it to take away from @Corzhens' recipe, I'm just posting because it has a picture, so people can get an idea of what it (at least this recipe's version) looks like. I wonder if this is like the flan / leche flan, and there are many variations?
I am also unfamiliar with cassava, but am interested. I don't know if it's something you can find in regular grocery stores here. I do like be coconut, so this is something I might be interested in trying at some point if I can find the cassava for a reasonable price.
We baked cassava cake yesterday for the family gathering. It's an informal gathering of my family and 2 of my siblings. Since their favorite is cassava cake, so we baked some and brought it there. But they did not serve it and instead they packed it for bringing home, hahahaaa. Here are the ingredients of the cassava cake as we prepared it yesterday...
IMG_4198 cassava cake ingredients.JPG
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