Plans for today (2019-2022)

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Get the car fixed. It seems to be the battery, which is under warranty. I hope that's it.

Is it running again?

Yup. There was nothing actually wrong with it. I just haven't been driving it enough, or far enough at a time. These little one to three mile trips weren't letting the batter fully charge.

So far, so good. We'll see. It didn't cost me a penny.

I took it for a 30 mile drive on the highway, and bought a battery tender on the way home. If I don't plan to drive it much, I can plug it in, and it will trickle charge the battery. People with a collection of cars use them, since they can go months without driving some of their cars.

Plans for tomorrow involve
- ESCAPE via a hidden underground tunnel that only we know about...

Sorry wrong forum...
- ESCAPE via a road heading north to the 80km each way diversion to get to a city south of us, for medical tests, before endeavoring to return home via a petrol station and a shorter route if it gets reopened tomorrow. If not then the 80km diversion will be the only option... but I need to call in at the local Rural Fire Service to collect some sandbags because for some mad reason, totally beyond me, I need to stop the top of a mountain in Australia from flooding my garage EVERY SINGLE TIME IT RAINS.... cabin fever might be setting in.

I don't think it ever once occurred to me when we were planning on living in Australia for a few years that I'd live on a mountain, 50m (vertical) from the summit and so frequently be subjected to flooding in Australia! It wasn't what i bought a full 4×4 with off-road tyres for. If it had been Scotland or even Norway (we very nearly moved there 15 years ago), i wouldn't have batted an eyelid over flooded roads, washed away bridges, constant battles with water....

So, I reckon by the end if this coming summer, we'll be back at the start of the next drought.
Back over to the doc’s for blood work since it requires fasting and I hadn’t fasted yesterday.

Back to Michael’s because one pack of the little lights MrsT bought have a dodgy switch, so swapping those for a new set.

Just finished breakfast at the same place we ate yesterday. No pics, but I had the “mini classic” - which was two eggs, a huge plate of hash browns, a giant sausage link, and two pancakes. Yeah, that’s the “mini.” :eek:

Work, of course.
Yeah, now that we are officially allowed out on our road again, all I can saw is that it is in an horrible condition. Great big, deep (½-1m deep) rocky vehicle eating gullies on either side of what was a 2 way dirt road leaving many section as single track without passing places!

So plans for tomorrow include visiting the local post office, trying to obtain some sandbags in advance of the next 'rain event' and cutting the lawn. It will have to be on mulch mode because it is squishy and squidgy and muddy and getting very long again. Too wet for the new mower to cut and catch. I'll also try to get the potatoes in and the squashes (summer and winter varieties) planted more that the risk of frost and snow has at least passed for this week (it did snow just north of here yesterday or the day before).
I think I also need to raid the garage for some bits and pieces but that's what making a tree netting rig for the pear tree. The Apple tree and the veg plot will have to wait a while longer until I have the bits I need.
Well, I’m operating on next to no sleep today, so I’m already annoyed.

Big plans today are driving the 80 minutes or so to my mom’s house, where I was supposed to meet the dog walker I’ve reserved for her, but the dog walker has bailed on me two weeks in a row. She won’t be getting renewed.

Since I don’t want to let my mom down again, I’m going to go over, make her breakfast, and walk the dog. Frankly, it’s not something I’m looking forward to.

I’m going to make her a simple breakfast of shredded hash browns, a fried egg, and bacon, fried bread, and some coffee. My mom, though, doesn’t keep anything in the house as far as staples go, so I’m packing over a kettle, a French press, coffee, cream, sugar, potatoes, tomatoes, onion, cheese, oil, butter, eggs, bacon, salt, pepper, bread, and even aluminum foil. Here’s hoping she has a frying pan, a sheet pan, and a knife.

It’ll also include a stop by my sister’s house. She just had some work done on her bathroom she’s excited about, and I have a couple of things to drop off to her.

IOW, I’m going to be over there all damn day. Like I said, not looking forward to it.
'Blimey' is all I can say...
I´d say blimey almighty. :hyper: :hyper: :hyper::hyper::hyper::D:D
My son and his wife went to IHOP one day . There was a bloke next to them who had the full cooked breakfast AND a side of pancakes. Somewhere around 1,900 calories. A standard serving of pancakes is 4, so they ordered one serving and shared it :D:D
Well, I’m operating on next to no sleep today, so I’m already annoyed.

Big plans today are driving the 80 minutes or so to my mom’s house, where I was supposed to meet the dog walker I’ve reserved for her, but the dog walker has bailed on me two weeks in a row. She won’t be getting renewed.

Since I don’t want to let my mom down again, I’m going to go over, make her breakfast, and walk the dog. Frankly, it’s not something I’m looking forward to.

I’m going to make her a simple breakfast of shredded hash browns, a fried egg, and bacon, fried bread, and some coffee. My mom, though, doesn’t keep anything in the house as far as staples go, so I’m packing over a kettle, a French press, coffee, cream, sugar, potatoes, tomatoes, onion, cheese, oil, butter, eggs, bacon, salt, pepper, bread, and even aluminum foil. Here’s hoping she has a frying pan, a sheet pan, and a knife.

It’ll also include a stop by my sister’s house. She just had some work done on her bathroom she’s excited about, and I have a couple of things to drop off to her.

IOW, I’m going to be over there all damn day. Like I said, not looking forward to it.

You're a hero!
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You're a hero!
Thank you. I know it’s not very becoming to gripe about your aged mom, but she really is a piece of work.

I’m about halfway through my visit, and it’s been a wild time so far.
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I´d say blimey almighty. :hyper: :hyper: :hyper::hyper::hyper::D:D
My son and his wife went to IHOP one day . There was a bloke next to them who had the full cooked breakfast AND a side of pancakes. Somewhere around 1,900 calories. A standard serving of pancakes is 4, so they ordered one serving and shared it :D:D

I can beat that. I was in a Waffle House one morning, and this guy of about 50 years comes in. He is about 5'8"-ish, and is easily over 300 pounds. He orders enough food for a family of four... and Diet Coke for a beverage. He must have been a regular customer, since the waitress didn't show any sense of surprise at his order.

The Diet Coke is what almost made me laugh out loud. :laugh:

I can beat that. I was in a Waffle House one morning, and this guy of about 50 years comes in. He is about 5'8"-ish, and is easily over 300 pounds. He orders enough food for a family of four... and Diet Coke for a beverage. He must have been a regular customer, since the waitress didn't show any sense of surprise at his order.

The Diet Coke is what almost made me laugh out loud. :laugh:

Not quite the same thing, but my manager at the time (now my manager’s manager) loved Waffle House, and there was one right around the corner from his house.

We had to do some weekend work together, so he said to meet him at WH for breakfast first, and he was definitely a regular, because he just ordered “the usual.”

They brought us each a plate of scrambled eggs, bacon, scattered hash browns with cheese, and toast, and I thought it was funny we ordered the same thing.

2/3rds through, he caught the waitresses eye, and without warning, his arm shot up and dropped again, like referee signaling the start of a race.

Waitress gave a nod, shouted something like “Waffle down!” or whatever it was and a couple of minutes later, out came his waffle, hot, just as he was finishing his eggs. :laugh:
Well my plans for today didn't originally include collecting 5 new chooks but I now have 5 new Rhode Island Red chooks to add to my flock. It will take them a few days of exposure to the rest of my flock before I can fully integrate them fully into the flock, but they should settle quite quickly.
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