Plans for today (2019-2022)

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I'll finish mowing the yard today, I'll also finish washing the last of the windows so I can get the screens in, and I have two loads of laundry left to do.

It'll be another busy day at work (2025 can not come fast enough!), and I need to work in a grocery run.
Plans... cooking 2 recipes for the challenge today, plus another recipe (which is quick and easy), unrelated.

Bringing a couple dozen eggs over to the Community Center here.

Depositing an "economic stimulus check" at my bank.

Noting the weather folks are predicting 5-8 inches of sn*w tomorrow. Just when things I've planted last fall, or the perennials, are just beginning to come back up!
I'll finish mowing the yard today, I'll also finish washing the last of the windows so I can get the screens in, and I have two loads of laundry left to do.

It'll be another busy day at work (2025 can not come fast enough!), and I need to work in a grocery run.

MOWING???? We have snow on the ground!
Thursday night into Friday we got snow accumulations of six inches. Most melted. Although it kept snowing on and off for the next 6 or so hours, the rest didn't stick.

Today some sorting of stuff looking for two important pieces of mail. (Let's not go there...)

Trip to the dump.

Trip to local farm and pet store to pick up Yukon Gold seed potatoes (which I forgot to get on Thursday when I was in the area....)

Removing protective sheets from atop the raised beds (which were there to protect from snow accumulations).

Choosing a rooster or two for the freezer. Sunday's job will be dispatching. You really can't have 3 roosters and 4 hens together, now that they are mature. The boys still get along... but those poor hens! (Maturity is a recent development, but I want to keep the friendliest (to me) of the roosters. So I can't just grab the first one who comes up for scritches...)
Sunday's goals:

Rooster dispatching and refrigerating. (Sigh, I hate doing this, but necessary.)

Trip to the dump again.

Set up baby quail brooder station in the basement. I got all new equipment, in the hopes I will have lots of baby quail to raise up. Theoretically, they should start hatching next week, about mid-week.
MOWING???? We have snow on the ground!
I'll trade ya!

I've mowed twice now. We did get an unexpected frost and it looked like it killed the basil I'd just planted, but looking closer, it seemed to just affect the top/outer leaves, which gave their lives protecting the leaves beneath, so they died herb-heroes in my book.

Today, possibly going to Sam's Club, which I hate doing at the weekend, but my stupid work schedule prevents going during the week. Referencing back to the "worst job ever" topic, this is why I hate any job - I don't have control over my schedule.

I did get the windows washed, so I suppose I could get the last of the screens in. I also think we're going to look at paint for the kitchen a third time. We look...we pick out...MrsT changes her mind...
I'll trade ya!

I've mowed twice now. We did get an unexpected frost and it looked like it killed the basil I'd just planted, but looking closer, it seemed to just affect the top/outer leaves, which gave their lives protecting the leaves beneath, so they died herb-heroes in my book.

Today, possibly going to Sam's Club, which I hate doing at the weekend, but my stupid work schedule prevents going during the week. Referencing back to the "worst job ever" topic, this is why I hate any job - I don't have control over my schedule.

I did get the windows washed, so I suppose I could get the last of the screens in. I also think we're going to look at paint for the kitchen a third time. We look...we pick out...MrsT changes her mind...

I have a mental picture of you washing the Windows like Howard from last of the summer wine.

It wasn't planned, but I did a deep clean on my kitchen today. I took a picture, because it shows my new fridge, and it shows my kitchen after a deep clean.


It wasn't planned, but I did a deep clean on my kitchen today. I took a picture, because it shows my new fridge, and it shows my kitchen after a deep clean.

View attachment 61526


Some nice Le Creuset there. Shermie would approve of the colour! What is the metal thingy in right hand the corner?
I'm waiting for the farmer's market place to open. Saw on their Facebook page they got ramps in earlier in the week and I would like to get some if they still have them, but don't want to make a 30 minute drive if they don't.
Nah - the sous vide is on the counter top left of the hob. The thing on the right of the counter is a deep fat frier. I meant in the far right hand corner of the kitchen.
You mean over by the artwork, propped up in the corner? That looks like a sled.
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