Reducing our meat consumption


11 Nov 2014
Local time
10:16 PM
Melbourne, Australia
I saw an interesting TV show last night about meat and the environment - hosted by Michael Mosley.

It showed that we eat an amazing amount of meat each year - something like 80 kg per person on average in the UK and over 100 kg in the USA.

It also showed that intensively farmed chicken is the 'greenest' meat - meaning it has the smallest impact on the environment. Interesting that intensive farming (with costs of shelter, heating, etc) is so much more environmentally better. I wondered though if they compared turkey and kangaroo, and even fish, in that comparison though.

Purely on an environment level, the show suggested we should try to cut our meat consumption globally by about 50%. It convinced it to look for more vegetarian meals and reducing the size of our meat serves. The fact it will save us some money is an added bonus!
The idea of reducing our meat consumption is a good one. On average, most people eat meat almost on a daily basis. Though meat is a good source of protein and vitamin D, as well as iron, we can get these nutrients from other sources as well. Apart from it being better health-wise to reduce our meat consumption, it will also be a saving in our pockets. Whenever I buy groceries, I find that when I take into account all the different things that I buy, the meat is always the most expensive. I often substitute fish, but here again, I always have to look for the cheapest kind, since some fish are also rather pricey.
I've recently switched to a mostly vegan diet, purely for health reasons and early results so far are looking promising.
I used to be a self confirmed carnivore, but not any more!
Early days yet, but I've seen nothing so far to convince me to go back, cutting down on meat consumption would be (I imagine) a positive move for most people.
I don't eat as much meat as I used to. Trying to eat more veggies to lose some weight. :wink: :eek:
While some people do in fact eat too much meat, others would not be able to be healthy without it. Some people's bodies are not suited to getting their protein from just plant sources. I am like that, if I don't eat meat at least 3 times a week, not matter how much beans and corn I eat, I feel like my muscles are not getting fed. I think eating less meat would be a good idea, but we do need it. Grass fed beef is actually one of the healthiest meats you can eat.
It has been said that red meat causes cancer in the colon.

I just had a colonoscopy done last month, and 4 polyps were found. They were taken out and they were determined & confirmed to be benign (not cancerous). :wink:
Glad you're OK Shermie, that must have been frightening.
There do seem to be some links to meat and colon cancer, especially processed meats.
Always hard to really find the truth though, everybody seems to have their own agendas!
Spirulina, for example. Some sources say it will turn your life around (for the better) whilst others say its positively toxic.
Thanks for sharing this information with us. I have been trying to cut down on my meat consumption lately although I admit it had nothing to do with the environment, just my personal preference evolving, I guess. Still, if it helps the environment along the way then all the better, of course.
You welcome, guys!!

Probably the WORST part of that whole thing is having to drink the lemon-flavored Citrate of Magneisha!! That stuff tastes so HORRIBLE &BITTER!!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:
I saw an interesting TV show last night about meat and the environment - hosted by Michael Mosley.

It showed that we eat an amazing amount of meat each year - something like 80 kg per person on average in the UK and over 100 kg in the USA.

It also showed that intensively farmed chicken is the 'greenest' meat - meaning it has the smallest impact on the environment. Interesting that intensive farming (with costs of shelter, heating, etc) is so much more environmentally better. I wondered though if they compared turkey and kangaroo, and even fish, in that comparison though.

Purely on an environment level, the show suggested we should try to cut our meat consumption globally by about 50%. It convinced it to look for more vegetarian meals and reducing the size of our meat serves. The fact it will save us some money is an added bonus!
That's a good ideal, and it's a fact that man did not eat no where near as much meat in the past. I cut meat out totally and I feel great! It's not that hard if you really want to. Man does not need meat to survive, meanwhile man is destroy the planet and the meat industry plays a major part of that destruction.
We are trying to reduce our meat consumption in my home too. For one thing, meat is getting so expensive, and for another too much is not that good for you. We have been trying to add meat to other dishes instead of it being the main course. It has been successful so far because a pound of meat is feeding 4 of us now for a meal instead of the normal 2 or 3 pounds.
Even though I am a vegetarian I don't think meat is bad, but too much can be unhealthy. It takes longer to digest and unless you know the source, you can never be sure where your food came from.

Not only can it save you money, but can he healthier in the long run. Having a meatfree couple of days can make a difference to to budget and the health and doesn't do any harm. People are surprised you can have a tasty meatfree meal.
We have started limiting meat in our menu. We are a family where some of family members have high blood pressure. It is somewhat a hereditary condition and eating fatty meats could trigger them. This is the reason why we try to limit our meat consumption and focus on vegies and fishes.
We only eat meat 4 times a week at home now. Financial problems have meant that I've had to cut right back on groceries and one of the easiest ways for me to save here is to buy less meat.
I stopped eating meat a long time ago. It's difficult to digest and I feel better not having it in my diet. I don't have health problems and I am not suffering for any loss of nutrition. There are so many ways to get protein, the key is to eat in a way that is balanced which includes a wide variety of healthy foods.
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