Salt free cooking

I am very interested in this salt conversation and need to spend some time getting to the bottom of this. The bottom line is that I am hypertensive and the first thing they will tell you is to cut back or eliminate salt from your diet altogether. Then I read what Catalyst64 said and I am thinking this suits me fine. I love tasty food; really I do and "salt" helps me out in that department. Like I said earlier, I don't use table salt itself, but things like soy sauce and a whole punch of things that might have some sodium in them.

I want to eat healthier, but I want great flavors as well. I believe there is a way to accomplish that while keeping the "salt' intake at the right level.
I have a heart condition that requires me to have a low sodium diet, i find this very difficult to achieve however, i don't add salt to food at all but it is hard to find meals that have little salt in them. I don't have a lot of time for supermarket shopping so it is a hassle to have to compare nutrition labels on food packaging all the time. I suppose i will learn what's what in time.

When cooking i will add herbs and spices to the food rather than salt and i make my own gravy. When eating out i try to be careful such as eating only plain rice, avoiding most toppings and eating salads without dressing. It is hard work though and makes you realise how prevalent salt is in the diet of the western world and how most people are consuming huge amounts of salt without realising it.
I am still struggling with my salt intake. I know I have too heavy a hand sometimes. I am just through preparing some eggs and I used not salt but garlic salt and I know I put a little too much in. While I will only take a taste, I still think I should encourage my son to cut back as well. It's work in progress for me. I worry that I am making myself sicker with my heavy hands.
I don't eliminate salt in cooking altogether, but I DO use a little of it, to get rid of the extreme freshness & bland taste that most unsalted foods tend to have. :wink:
salt is used in food as a seasoning or a preservative its to be used as minimum,we need salt in our diet,so a little of something is not always a bad thing,
I admit i do like salt and use sea salt crystals when seasoning meats,but using the right amount of salt is a skill how much and when to add it,i.e. i would never add salt to a scallop dish before pan frying as it draws water ,and you want a dry scallop,i add it at the end and i shower for from a distance ,so not to have build ups and even distribution,or you can season a tray and then roll meat in to it .
use salt in boiling water as brine boils better than plain water for quick cook blanching of veg.
so don't dismiss salt it does have a place in cooking if used properly
It has been said that the U.,S. Gov't has implemented a plan that says for all processed food manufacturers to be producing lower sodium foods in about 15 years.\
They DO mnake foods way too bloody salty! That is why I won't buy processed foods unless it is low sodium. :yuck::stop:
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