Recipe School dinner caramel tart! Remember this!?!


1 Jun 2016
Local time
1:52 AM
Hey people!
Do you remember those delicious caramel tarts we would have in primary school! The NOSTALGIA. Here's a really simple recipe that wont take any of your time AT ALL!

Ready roll shortcrust pasty
1 can of carnation caramel
Chocolate sprinkles

1) Roll out the pastry on a baking sheet, pinch the edges and prick the pastry several times with a folk.
2) Bake the pastry and allow it to cool
3) Open the caramel (mix it up before you use it) and spread it with a spatula onto the cool pastry.
4) Sprinkle with chocolate flakes


Great for a quick no fuss dessert :) its SOO YUMMY you just cant hate it! (unless you hate caramel lol)
We didn't have this at my school! I got old fashioned steamed puds and tarts. Rather good really! This recipe has not been credited. Its from:

Please credit other people's recipes, folks - its just good manners! :)
Available on over forty different sites, not all under the same name. Kent Tart, Gypsy Tart being two other names.
Here being one, only it doesn't come up following the link.

Also when using one that you've adapted/edited one.
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Available on over forty different sites, not all under the same name. Kent Tart, Gypsy Tart being two other names.
Here being one, only it doesn't come up following the link.

Also when using one that you've adapted/edited one.

Didn't quite understand your last sentence. My point here is that the recipe is copied word for word from The photo is from there too. For all I know, @teekelly may be the original poster Shahnaz Alam.

I don't doubt there are many recipes out there which are similar, but this is an exact copy. Most recipes for Gypsy Tart don't include chocolate sprinkles. I'm sure you think I'm a pain in the ***** to keep mentioning these things - but I think its a question of netiquette, thats all. Copyright is complicated on these matters - nevertheless it makes sense to be careful and credit sources.
Didn't quite understand your last sentence. My point here is that the recipe is copied word for word from The photo is from there too. For all I know, @teekelly may be the original poster Shahnaz Alam.

I don't doubt there are many recipes out there which are similar, but this is an exact copy. Most recipes for Gypsy Tart don't include chocolate sprinkles. I'm sure you think I'm a pain in the ***** to keep mentioning these things - but I think its a question of netiquette, thats all. Copyright is complicated on these matters - nevertheless it makes sense to be careful and credit sources.

My mistake, i did take the photo from the google images, which is from this website. But i do assure you i did this recipe myself it just so happens that its already been done. I modeled it after the aesthetics of what my school dinners one looked like, so of course there had to have chocolate sprinkles (every British school dinner caramel tart had chocolate sprinkles). After going on the website i see how you could think its a direct copy. Thought i was original guess not lol.
My mistake, i did take the photo from the google images, which is from this website. But i do assure you i did this recipe myself it just so happens that its already been done. I modeled it after the aesthetics of what my school dinners one looked like, so of course there had to have chocolate sprinkles (every British school dinner caramel tart had chocolate sprinkles). After going on the website i see how you could think its a direct copy. Thought i was original guess not lol.
Ok - well I guess it must be a coincidence that you happened to use a number of similar phrases in your method and that the ingredients list is identical.
Identical found on many sites, the site linked to first has two seperate but identical recipes.
How many kids will have eaten this at school then gone back looking for it to make at home having left school!
I know simple dishes like this were often made at school, in cooking classes(girls only) where they'd to write down everything used. Tuesday/Wednesday mornings were when they used to be brought in from home. Having been made at home the night before. They had to make it to the class intact later that morning.
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