Recipe Scotch Eggs


4 Dec 2012
Local time
5:46 AM
Scotch eggs.

6 hard boiled Eggs.
1 Beaten Egg.
1lb of Sausage Meat.
6 Slices of Stale bread.
1 Tablespoon of Oil, I have used Vegetable oil, but you could use Sunflower, Corn, Olive, etc.
Seasonings; I have used Freshly milled dried Garlic and Chili with Black pepper for the sausage meat, and Ground white Pepper, and Sea Salt with Seaweed for the breadcrumbs.

Measure out the sausage meat and stir the seasoning in well. Stand in the fridge over night.
Break up the slices of stale bread, and zap with a blender.
Stir the milled Sea salt and Seaweed, and the ground white pepper into the breadcrumbs.
Knead the sausage meat with clean hands to remove any trapped air, separate into 6 balls, rolling and squeezing them in the hands until the surface is smooth.
Cover a chopping board in cling film, and then "throw" one of the sausage meat balls at the board, as a potter would throw clay on to the wheel. Cover with another layer of cling film, then roll out with a rolling pin.

When you have the sausage meat rolled out evenly, roll it on to a hard boiled egg. And then work it in the hands rolling and squeezing until you have a smooth even surface.

Roll your cannonballs of sausage meat and egg in the breadcrumbs.

When you have them all covered in Breadcrumbs, place them in the freezer for about 30 minutes.

Beat an Egg with a teaspoonful of oil and a little Salt & Pepper. Roll the covered eggs in the beaten egg, and then in the breadcrumbs.

Place on a baking tray and bake in a medium oven for 45-60 minutes

Remove from the oven, and allow to cool before eating. I have just had a warm Scotch egg with bread and butter, celery, and mature chedder cheese for supper .... .... .... .... Delicious!
This is one that you have really got try. I will never go back to factory made Scotch Eggs again
I remember making Scotch Eggs in school cookery classes. We were instructed to bring those readymade golden breadcrumbs to coat them - the first (and last) time such a thing was bought in our house!

I like the idea of being able to season the meat and breadcrumbs with whatever you prefer, for variety.

I wonder if other finely minced meats would work, like lamb or beef?
Minced Lamb, and Beef work, but they do need the addition of some Pork fat; say about15% by weight. The same can be said for minced Chicken and Turkey including a combination of the two mixed together 1:1 before adding the additional pork fat. On the vegetarian side of things I found that a home-made falafel type of burger base, with some finely diced dried Sweet Peppers, and sundried tomatoes with the addition of a little gram or lentil flour to help stiffen everything up at the rolling out and handling stage.
That's much healthier than frying the eggs, as we were taught to do at school. I've had success mixing some sage and onion stuffing mixture with the breadcrumbs, to give a more savoury flavour.
I had something similar to these at a little french themed cafe near me a few months ago and I was scratching my head for the longest time trying to figure out how they made them. It was a poached egg still in the shape of an egg, with a fried panko breading around it. I couldn't figure out how they were able to get the shell off the egg with the yolk still runny, then bread it and fry it before the yolk set.

I think I may have figured it out though via another recipe I came across. One method to make poached eggs is to line a ramekin with plastic wrap and coat the wrap with cooking spray. Then crack the egg into it and bunch the wrap up into a pouch and lower it into boiling water to poach it. It keeps the egg in the shape of a "pouch" (which the breading likely disguised, making me think it was still in the shape of an egg). The other way, similar to this, would be if they used one of those "Eggies" tv products. But even still, I was impressed they were able to bread it with the yolk still runny.
We have had quails egg and black pudding scotch eggs ,with a artichoke purée some thing different ,just take more care peeling eggs and rolling meat out
This actually looks doable. I had scotch eggs for the first time a few years ago at a party, and love 'em, but you don't really see them at all in California. I expected they might have some exotic ingredient that would be hard to find, but I guess not.
I have a recipe for these that I've been meaning to try. It's a paleo recipe though, so no bread is used. Just haven't gotten to it quite yet. Those look really good though!
Great tutorial! :)
I adore Scotch eggs myself and made a vegetarian version for my hubby not too long ago by substituting the sausage with a mixture of white northern beans, egg, bread crumbs, chopped onions, some shredded carrots and seasonings (I think it was mostly chili). They held together really nicely and were a scrumptious little vegetarian snack!
I use a similar recipe to the OP however, I cannot get the yolk to stay centralised in the egg during the boiling process. Has anyone got any clever ideas?


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I use a similar recipe to the OP however, I cannot get the yolk to stay centralised in the egg during the boiling proces. Has anyone got any clever ideas?


You shake the egg vigorously before boiling. Gosh - this is such an ancient thread that I've never seen it before and I don't even recognise most contributors!!!
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Is that "shake" in a side to side movement, an up and down movement or a round and round movement? :roflmao:
:laugh: I don't think it matters! But I am saying this from memory and I now think I might have wrong (age!). It might be that you stir the water for the first few minutes when you boil them - first in one direction and then the other (centrifugal force). I saw an Australian chef on TV doing that I think. Another way is to lay egg on its side overnight (I haven't tried that one).
OK @Yorky, I've now tested spinning v. shaking. :laugh:

I needed to hard boil some eggs so I shook one lot - just for about 10 seconds really (up and down and side to side!) quite vigorously before cooking. With the other batch I spun the water for a few minutes in each direction.

The winning eggs were the ones that were shaken. :woot::dance: The yolks were pretty central. The other lot were probably more central than if I done nothing but not significantly so. So its a bit like a good Martini....
It might be that you stir the water for the first few minutes when you boil them - first in one direction and then the other (centrifugal force).

I only boil my eggs for 60 seconds then turn off the gas and leave them in the the hot water for another 15 minutes. Then place in iced water.
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