Stocking up on meat


16 Nov 2014
Local time
3:17 PM
Washington, USA
I love that the grocery stores offer deep discounts on turkey and other meats during the holiday season and tend to buy a couple of birds to put in the freezer for later use since they are so cheap. This year, we will eat our holiday dinners away from home at the relatives house, but I still plan to buy a couple of turkeys so we can make them later. Do you ever do this?
Supermarkets here in the UK tend to do offers all year round. For instance one supermaket offers you 3 different types of meat for £10.00 approx $16.00. The offer is on chickens, pork chops, mince meat (ground beef to our American friends) meat balls, sausages can buy any 3. Its quite a good deal.
Not really, because I don't have a freezer. I only have the freezer compartment of my refrigerator. One of these days I will buy a freezer. You can just do so much more and take advantage of many food storing options if you have a freezer. It just makes sense to have one and utilize it as you see fit. I know people load them up.
I try to keep an eye on the sales and stock up whenever there is a good discount. We keep a deep freeze in the garage for this very reason. Around here, there hasn't been great prices on meat for awhile.
You also get brilliant discounts sometimes in the section of the supermarket where they put all the stuff that's about to reach its 'sell by' date. I don't know if you get that in America? But here in the UK, the bigger supermarkets have a whole cool shelf section devoted to products about to go 'of of date'. I've often bought meat at a third of the price. Here, I have one free standing freezer (the size of a small under counter fridge) and one fridge freezer (with three freezer drawers). Both of these live under the stairs because my kitchen is so small. But they are black (not white), so don't look too unsightly.

The problem I find, is not remembering what I've got in the freezer. If I was super organised I'd no doubt make a list... but...well...!
The groceries and supermarkets here also have their holiday sales of meat items particularly the chicken during Christmas although I have seen imported turkeys, the whole ones, go on sale before Thanksgiving. But for meat and fish, we do not stock on it because we always prefer fresh meat and fish. What we normally do is to make a reservation in the wet market (the vendor already knows me personally) so the next day my order would be ready for pickup.
I don't have a freezer so I don't but I always find that they go on sale often throughout the year. Its not all that often that we will have turkey more then a few times a year anyway. It is not a favorite. We do like to have ham more often and we buy that whenever it goes on sale. I don't buy a lot of stuff ahead. Through the winter if the power goes out for extended period of time because of a storm we could lose everything in our freezers. That has been known to happen.
My husband gets chicken from his brother's workplace at a discounted price so there is always some chicken in the fridge. Then he often gets a pig farmer to raise a pig for him which I imagine is also much cheaper than buying it in the store. The thing with having loads of meat in the freezer is that it should be labelled. The other day I took out what I thought was chicken and found out later to my dismay it was rabbit.
We seem to have turkey at a good price all year so no need to stock up. Some times chicken parts will be on sale at a good price then we will stock up. We have a side by side refrigerator which give some room but not really that much freezer spacce.
I'm wary of stocking up on meat especially birds because they go bad faster than pork or beef. What I do though especially on holidays is to buy a lot of chicken pre-cook them in a broth or a special recipe I have that day and dry freeze them in the freezer because I plan meals as well as dishes for the family. When we go to a relative's house it's much easier because I don't have to freeze anything. I just bring the food and ask the dish back over the weekend.
Now that I have two freezers, I do this all the time. When meat goes on sale say a top sirloin roast, I'll buy two or three and freeze them. I think it's a great way to save money and still enjoy all the varieties of meat without paying the regular prices. I find that pork is relatively inexpensive right now where I live so I'm stocking up on pork roasts and chops. When chicken goes on sale I'll do the same. Also I watch the prices of meat at Costco and when they have good prices I'll buy my meat there too.
I am constantly checking the area ads each week and when I see a great price on meat, I go in and buy it in bulk. I can't say that I specifically go after a certain holiday, but I'm lucky and the meat in the Midwest is usually pretty reasonably priced.
Supermarkets here in the UK tend to do offers all year round. For instance one supermaket offers you 3 different types of meat for £10.00 approx $16.00. The offer is on chickens, pork chops, mince meat (ground beef to our American friends) meat balls, sausages can buy any 3. Its quite a good deal.

thank you for clarifying for the US folks that Mince meat was. I kind of figured but now I am sure. LOL!

Cool Deals though, they do not do that in the states.
I usually will buy my meats at the large warehouse stores such as Costco or Sam's club. I get really good quality and some are prepackaged for freezing (in vacuum sealed packs of 4 to 5 pieces of chicken per)

others I just package myself in packs of the size I want. I also get my lettuce (romaine) from Costco it's cheaper than the grocery store and lasts for about 2 to 2 1/2 weeks. I base a meal off of the meat. I figure out what meat I want and go from there.
We rarely eat meat that is why we do not stock up on meat even though there is a discount or a sale in its price. If we feel like eating a recipe that has meat then that is the only time we are buying meat that is still fresh and not frozen in the meat market and not in the grocery and supermarket. That is why there is no problem when it comes to this thing.
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