Supreme/section oranges (and other citrus)


Nosh 'n' Splosh
Staff member
15 Jul 2019
Local time
1:37 AM
Ohio, US
I supremed/sectioned an orange today for our salad:


I don’t do this very often, as it’s a little tedious, but I find that I absolutely love oranges sectioned this way - none of that stringy, sometimes tough membrane around the individual segments.

How about you? Do you prepare oranges (or other citrus) this way?
About 15 years ago, someone asked me to make some "tropical Jam/Marmalade". After a few tries, I settled on a mixture of papaya, pineapple, passion fruit, mango and orange, and decided to "supreme" the oranges, rather than get all that skin and pith in the jam.
Definitely worthwhile and definitely a pain in the whotsit to do!
I like oranges supremed, but have never done it. I've only had it in restaurants.

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I like the bite of the membrane, so no.

I do recall us eating grapefruit when I was a kid. They would be halved, crosswise and we used a spoon to eat just the flesh.
These days I even eat grapefruit with membranes :wink:
I supremed/sectioned an orange today for our salad:

View attachment 108959

I don’t do this very often, as it’s a little tedious, but I find that I absolutely love oranges sectioned this way - none of that stringy, sometimes tough membrane around the individual segments.

How about you? Do you prepare oranges (or other citrus) this way?
It's hard for me to peel it, I usually cut it into four pieces and eat it
I like the bite of the membrane, so no.

I do recall us eating grapefruit when I was a kid. They would be halved, crosswise and we used a spoon to eat just the flesh.
These days I even eat grapefruit with membranes :wink:

I eat grapefruit the same way, and just the flesh. One thing that grows well in Texas (Rio Grande Valley) is grapefruit -- Texas Ruby Red grapefruit is the best grapefruit in the country... and perhaps beyond. The membrane is rather tough, so you definitely want to go with the flesh.


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