The Alphabet Game: Dishes using Za'atar

Iced Embroidery cakes - and how extraordinary they are!

Mesmerizing Embroidery-Inspired Cookie Decorating by Mezesmanna

jóasszony módra: meat prepared in the style of the “good wife”: braised and served with a mixture of bacon, potatoes, and mushrooms
magyarosan: “Hungarian”-style meat: served with a tomato, pepper, and onion sauce spiced with paprika
Szekelygulyas - Sauerkraut and Pork Gulyas with Sour Cream (yes I have the recipe, but haven't made this yet)
Turos Taska - Cheese-filled pastry pockets - One of the delicacies from Ruszwurm, a nineteenth-century cafe and pastry shop in the castle district of Old Buda. (yes, have recipe lol)
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