The CookingBites recipe challenge: ginger

Morning Glory

Obsessive cook
Staff member
19 Apr 2015
Local time
6:08 AM
Maidstone, Kent, UK
Welcome to the CookingBites recipe challenge. The current challenge ingredient is ginger* and AgileMJOLNIR is our judge. To enter, all you need to do is post a recipe** which uses ginger tag it cookingbites recipe challenge and post a link to it in this thread. The winner becomes the judge for the next challenge. You may post up to 6 entries. Deadline: midnight (close of day) Friday 26th April UK time BST (GMT + 1). Detailed challenge rules can be found here.

* fresh ginger, ginger paste or dried ginger are all eligible
** recipes must be posted within the time frame of the challenge but could be recipes you have made in the past, so long as they haven't already been posted on the forum as a recipe thread.

Ginger Rogers approves of this challenge.
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Let’s get goin’!

Ginger & Bourbon Toddy

It’s been unseasonably cold and blustery here the last couple of days, so a hot toddy sure seems a fitting way to kick things off.

This really is a lovely drink, a real body-warmer. MrsT isn’t all that fond of ginger, so when it was bubbling away on the stove (filling the kitchen with an exquisite scent as a little bonus), she wrinkled her nose and said, “Just make one for you. I’ll try it, but I’m not gonna like it!”

Got it all together and presented it to her:

“OH MY GOD THIS IS FANTASTIC! MINE!” - and off she went with her newfound love.

Luckily, there was plenty of the ginger tea left, so making one for myself was no issue, and I had to agree with her, it’s fantastic. This is a drink with bark and bite, courtesy of the one-two punch of the bourbon and ginger.

This would be simply smashing at Christmastime.


Let’s get goin’!

Ginger & Bourbon Toddy

It’s been unseasonably cold and blustery here the last couple of days, so a hot toddy sure seems a fitting way to kick things off.

This really is a lovely drink, a real body-warmer. MrsT isn’t all that fond of ginger, so when it was bubbling away on the stove (filling the kitchen with an exquisite scent as a little bonus), she wrinkled her nose and said, “Just make one for you. I’ll try it, but I’m not gonna like it!”

Got it all together and presented it to her:

“OH MY GOD THIS IS FANTASTIC! MINE!” - and off she went with her newfound love.

Luckily, there was plenty of the ginger tea left, so making one for myself was no issue, and I had to agree with her, it’s fantastic. This is a drink with bark and bite, courtesy of the one-two punch of the bourbon and ginger.

This would be simply smashing at Christmastime.


Oh bring it on! :wink:
Let’s get goin’!

Ginger & Bourbon Toddy

It’s been unseasonably cold and blustery here the last couple of days, so a hot toddy sure seems a fitting way to kick things off.

This really is a lovely drink, a real body-warmer. MrsT isn’t all that fond of ginger, so when it was bubbling away on the stove (filling the kitchen with an exquisite scent as a little bonus), she wrinkled her nose and said, “Just make one for you. I’ll try it, but I’m not gonna like it!”

Got it all together and presented it to her:

“OH MY GOD THIS IS FANTASTIC! MINE!” - and off she went with her newfound love.

Luckily, there was plenty of the ginger tea left, so making one for myself was no issue, and I had to agree with her, it’s fantastic. This is a drink with bark and bite, courtesy of the one-two punch of the bourbon and ginger.

This would be simply smashing at Christmastime.


That sounds fantastic.
NO NOT “cHaI tEa” - that’s just wrong 😑 y’all if u say that STOP cause it’s so jbxxuwdhxw (inexplainably incorrect) it’s just ✨ Chai ✨
And chai is a special indian Beverage which is local everywhere and Anywhere you go in india u will find it!
a good Chai is made with a half a handful of ginger 😋!

i will upload the recipe soon , Stay ONLINE!

here it is
1 cup water
boil for some time
1 spoon tea leaves
1 cup milk
add crushed ginger
boil two times
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I thought I'd put this here for everyone to have a giggle/ laugh...

I usually freeze my fresh ginger and grate it frozen straight off the rhizome. So I needed some last week. I went to the freezer and pulled out what I was positive was a big rhizome of ginger and started to grate it onto the chopping board. Whilst I was grating it I was thinking to myself that it didn't smell like ginger, but it definitely looked like ginger... it smelt like baked potato. So I tentatively tasted it only to discover that it was indeed grated baked potato! Clearly it was one of my less regular shaped tubers from last year's potato crop! :banghead:

I'll get you a photo of it tomorrow.
Because we're away camping for a week next week, I've had to make a head start...


The house smells amazing at the moment, but I've got to wrap it up when cool and let it mature for a week before we eat it! That's going to be really hard. The cracking in the cake to us normal with oatmeal because it absorbs liquid whilst cooking...
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I thought I'd put this here for everyone to have a giggle/ laugh...

I usually freeze my fresh ginger and grate it frozen straight off the rhizome. So I needed some last week. I went to the freezer and pulled out what I was positive was a big rhizome of ginger and started to grate it onto the chopping board. Whilst I was grating it I was thinking to myself that it didn't smell like ginger, but it definitely looked like ginger... it smelt like baked potato. So I tentatively tasted it only to discover that it was indeed grated baked potato! Clearly it was one of my less regular shaped tubers from last year's potato crop! :banghead:

I'll get you a photo of it tomorrow.
So here's that 'ginger' I didn't look too carefully at. And it was also inside the bag.

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