The CookingBites recipe challenge: peanut butter


Nosh 'n' Splosh
Staff member
15 Jul 2019
Local time
1:24 AM
Ohio, US
Welcome to the CookingBites recipe challenge. The current challenge ingredient is peanut butter* and ElizabethB is our judge. To enter, all you need to do is post a recipe** which uses peanut butter (or one of the substitutes listed below, if allergic to peanuts), tag it cookingbites recipe challenge and post a link to it in this thread. The winner becomes the judge for the next challenge. You may post up to 6 entries. Deadline: midnight (close of day) Tuesday 2nd April UK time (GMT). Detailed challenge rules can be found here.

* if allergic to peanuts, a tree nut butter may be substituted.
** recipes must be posted within the time frame of the challenge but could be recipes you have made in the past, so long as they haven't already been posted on the forum as a recipe thread.
Welcome to the CookingBites recipe challenge. The current challenge ingredient is peanut butter* and ElizabethB is our judge. To enter, all you need to do is post a recipe** which uses peanut butter (or one of the substitutes listed below, if allergic to peanuts), tag it cookingbites recipe challenge and post a link to it in this thread. The winner becomes the judge for the next challenge. You may post up to 6 entries. Deadline: midnight (close of day) Tuesday 2nd April UK time (GMT). Detailed challenge rules can be found here.

* if allergic to peanuts, a tree nut butter may be substituted.
** recipes must be posted within the time frame of the challenge but could be recipes you have made in the past, so long as they haven't already been posted on the forum as a recipe thread.
Hey, like I posted in the ketchup challenge thread, I'm not allergic to peanuts but I do have a strong aversion to them. I guess that exempts me from using tree nuts so I'll have to sit this one out.

Edited to add: I love every other type of nut butter except for peanut butter! Oh well.
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I’ll go ahead and stick this here since it’s PB-related:


Ever the crafty one, last night, MrsT said, “You know…with Daylight Savings Time kicking in, we’re going to lose an hour overnight, so instead of having to feel rushed cooking a breakfast tomorrow…why don’t we…just have…one of our doughnuts from the freezer?!”

Well-played, MrsT, well-played.

That’s a peanut butter-frosted long john (aka cream stick) bought from the Amish bakery a couple of hours north of our house. We buy a dozen every so often and freeze them.
Where do you fall in the creamy versus crunchy peanut butter debate? Do you prefer the smooooooth texture of the former, or the bumpy lumpiness of the latter…or are you one of those who can see (taste?) the beauty in both?

My preference is for crunchy, though I’ll eat creamy if that’s all that’s on hand. MrsT eats only the smooth stuff - she won’t touch the crunchy.

A recent poll shows those asked were split almost down the middle, with creamy slightly edging out crunchy at 56%.

Where do you stand?
Ok, let's get this PB Party started!

Peanut Butter Dream

Fairly common ingredients (assuming you keep booze in the house), easy to mix up (great for a crowd, I think), and it not only looks great, it tastes great, too.

When I make these next time (and MrsT has informed me I will be making these again), I do think I'll increase the peanut butter a bit and cut the milk back a bit, both to really highlight the peanut butter flavor, and making this just a tad bit thicker. Or maybe just add in a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Yeah, that'll work. :laugh:
Where do you fall in the creamy versus crunchy peanut butter debate? Do you prefer the smooooooth texture of the former, or the bumpy lumpiness of the latter…or are you one of those who can see (taste?) the beauty in both?

My preference is for crunchy, though I’ll eat creamy if that’s all that’s on hand. MrsT eats only the smooth stuff - she won’t touch the crunchy.

A recent poll shows those asked were split almost down the middle, with creamy slightly edging out crunchy at 56%.

Where do you stand?
I grew up with only crunchy in the house. When I got braces as a teen, I had to switch over to creamy and discovered I actually prefer it, so that’s what I buy now.

I like both, however.
I made a second recipe, from Chris Kimball, called “Peanut Barbecue Sauce,” advertised as a perfect accompaniment to grilled chicken, and it was…not to my taste, and that’s me being generous, so I’m not entering it. :headshake: 🤢

I’ve had peanut-based sauces for meat before, and I’ve never liked them, and I’m usually quite happy with a Kimball recipe, so if that one couldn’t win me over, I think my tastebuds just aren’t geared to what to me tastes like hot garlicky peanut butter on meat.

Onward with the next one, also associated with Kimball, and also something I’ve had variations of before and never liked…redeem yourself, Chris! :laugh:
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After my Salty-Garlic-Peanut-Meat-Sauce failure, I had to get back up on the horse with something easy and guaranteed to be satisfying:

Croque Bébé

Yes, it’s the lowly, humble peanut butter sandwich, but dressed up for the ball.

It’s really not much more effort than yer standard PBJ, so give it a go! The cinnamon-sugar is a beautiful little extra that takes this from lunchtime staple to anytime treat, and it’s highly customizable - use jam instead of the hazelnut spread, or add some thinly-sliced banana, it’s all good.

I loosely based this on a simple Pepin recipe, but changed much it, though I kept the name - it’s too cute!
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