The CookingBites recipe challenge: strawberries

Next up from me:

Recipe - Strawberry-Cheese Molded Salad

I’m going out of order, but I love molded Jello-O salads, so I couldn’t wait on this one.

Breaking it down, it’s a layer of fresh strawberries, and some little nut-encrusted cream cheese balls sat atop those, all encased in strawberry Jell-O, which has had sweet red wine substituted in for some of the water.

Hard to see, there’s so much red going on, but it unmolded fairly cleanly, and with very little liquid spillage.

Taste is what you’d except; it’s Jell-O with some strawberries and nutty cream cheese balls in it. That’s not to say it’s bad, it’s just not all that…complex.

This would be a real treat at Christmas, with the vibrant red, along with the festive green from the pistachios I chose to use (and the mint garnish).
I usually include MrsT’s reactions to any challenge dishes, and she tried the Jell-O salad for the first time last night:

“I like the flavor of the Jell-O, but the texture of the cream cheese is just…no.”

1.3 seconds later:

“Actually, this is really good. Don’t put it up yet, I want to get some more.”
Number 3 from me:

Recipe - Pork Chops w/ Strawberry-Garlic Sauce

I made this yesterday, but not entering it until today, because I didn’t want to enter two in a single day, and it’s already garnered some controversy in the recipe thread itself. That’s a good thing, right?!

Strawberries and pork…pork and strawberries…not an everyday pairing, at least around here…but that’s what intrigued me.

I found this in one of my hardcopy Taste of Home cookbooks, and was suspicious enough of it to track it down online so I could read some comments, and the ones that were there were all very positive. Ok, giving it a go!

The pork is just a standard thin boneless loin chop - very cheap at the grocery stores around here - breaded and pan-fried; something I make quite frequently, especially as a sandwich, so no surprises with that.

The sauce is dead easy - just strawberries, chicken bouillon, and a little water whizzed up in the FP, and some sautéed garlic added at the end and heated through.

How’s the taste? Fantastic! Definitely a keeper!

I think the bouillon and garlic work as a tasty little bridge between the pork and the fruit. The savory aspect of the breaded, pan-fried chop is notably lightened by the brightness of the berry sauce (and the slices of strawberry as well - don’t leave that out).

MrsT’s reaction:

Me: Taste this sauce before I put it on your chop. It’s a little different and you might not like it.

MrsT (tasting): It’s…passable. Not bad, not great. I’ll eat it, but don’t put much on.

I plated it up, handed it off, worked on plating and photographing mine, heard her knife and fork working, and asked how it tasted all together.

“Forget what I said earlier, this is great! Don’t lose this! Is there any more sauce?!”

Seal of approval.
Hmm pork and strawberries. I hope it is OK to be motivated by an existing entry but I have to do something similar to Tasty Reuben's interesting pork chop recipe. I love the idea. Tonight's dinner will be pork medallions with a strawberry compote. New adventure for me. Fingers are crossed.
Another one, good for a hot/sunny Sunday:

Recipe - Strawberry Spritzer

I really feel like I can’t give this a fair review, as the strawberries I used were so bland, it’s yielded a disappointingly tasteless concoction.

It’s a very pretty libation, though, so I’m prepared to give this the benefit of the doubt and try it again, especially since it’s so easy to put together.

I made a half-batch, so excuse me while this temporary bachelor goes and drinks the other three. 🍹 🍹 🍹
I was just about to make a Strawberry Spritzer to enter!!! :facepalm:

Not really, but I couldn't resist. :D

I would use frozen strawberries for that drink. They have a more concentrated flavor.

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