The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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What can you see?

I have been a passenger in one of those, not the most relaxing of experiences, we are all used to leaning into a corner on bikes, but leaning out on a corner is unsettling to say the least.

Learning to operate a SeaDoo (personal watercraft) requires one to forget what they learned from bicycles or motorcycles about turning. You have to lean away from the curve when going fast for the sponsons to grab the water, or you will spin like a top.

Update: It is over a million people now without electricity in Louisiana. At least EB and G have a generator to power the fridge/freezer, and a propane grill/BBQ to cook on.

Yes, I meant to ask how they are doing.
Heard on the news that president Biden declared Disaster.
Sending best wishes.
I had a very unpleasant night sleep. Stopped at mom’s (not unpleasant for this) I forgot her nice neighbour who lives upstairs, he has the great idea to wet his plants on the terrace in the late evening and as if it was the pluvial forest….so every little water drops falling down and beating was like a hammer in my ears.
So I have more or less this face at the moment.

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Does anyone track their sleep score using a smartwatch? I just started and I haven't even scored as high as 70 since getting the watch 4 days ago.
Not a watch, but for part of the year, I use an app on my phone that listens to me sleeping and scores that.

I'm not sure how useful/accurate it really is, but my employer puts money on my HSA card for certain healthy behaviors, and one of those is using a sleep tracker.

Once I hit the limit on monetary contributions for the year, I stop using it. :laugh:
Just heard on the news that the lockdown my state is in (and that of at least 2 other Aussie members here) that started in June likely won't end until Christmas.

Fingers crossed ACT fairs better because at least that way hubby can return to work and operations can restart (I'm rapidly falling out with the osteoarthritis in my hips, and am at the stage where I would rather be crippled as in my 70's or 80's than in my late 40's. There is a maximum number of times any joint can be replaced and each replacement has a limited lifetime of 10-15 years.)
Does anyone track their sleep score using a smartwatch? I just started and I haven't even scored as high as 70 since getting the watch 4 days ago.

I've had sleep studies done and know what my sleep is like... i was told that i have mild atypical sleep apnea that only occurs in REM sleep (hence the atypical bit). At the time the tests were done i was 20kg heavier and more importantly had 3 undiagnosed pulmonary embolisms taking out over ½ of my lung capacity. The PEs have been treated successfully and additionally I've lost a lot of weight. I've tried both gum splints and CPAP and the gum splints which didn't bother me where deemed to have made the situation worse and the CPAP had ne nearly suicidal after only 1 month of trying it and every single mask they had. Both hubby and I decided it wasn't worth it for me at that point in time and when my consultant saw me he took me off the trial immediately sheet only completing 50% of the time.

Personally I know my back pain and my hips are the biggest single cause of me not sleeping very well coupled with spring and allergies triggering my asthma at night. We've just accepted that twice a week I have a lie in and rest up during the day. After that I'm fine... I'm just waiting on those new hips now.
I need to have a sleep study done. I snore like a chainsaw. My ex-wife slept right through it. She slept like the dead. I would wake up, and be tempted to check her pulse some nights.

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