The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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Keflavik is a delightful place. Last night we went out for meal then sat outside a pud with a beer and my husband took this pic with our mobile phone
We went on a 2 hour pony trekking ride this afternoon, it was great fun and the horses are so good tempered. Haven't ridden 1 in years but it is like riding a bike, hurts like hell when you haven't done it for a long time!
puffin watching tomorrow
I hope you are lucky on both counts.

Puffins are strange birds. It seems that you are either needing to use binos to see a tiny bit of them and a short glimpse and come away considering yourself lucky to have seen one, or you find that they are not in the slightest bit bothered by your presence and will walk right up to you.

I remember one trip we had to the Orkney Islands. We went over to Westray I think it was (could have been Papa Westray, but it is the one you can get to with the car, rather than foot passengers only). Anyhow, we had gone out to look for Puffins at one of the cliffs

...standing on the very edge of the cliff (35m drop) using the sea as an OOF BG for the flower shot, I was busily taking shots of the Sea Campion when my husband threw a pebble at me to get my attention. (I am used to this approach when we are out - it has allowed me to get some wonderful film shots of an otter in the past - like all of us, I can get a little carried away with the taking of the shot). Pointing to a position between me and the flower (max 2.5m), he had watched a puffin had come in and landed so close to me that I could not focus the 300mm lens on it... I actually had to (very carefully) take 2 steps back away from the puffin before I could take these shots.
It did not seem in the slightest bit bothered by the fact I was there and stayed for about 5mins before it flew off again. Then I was able to look around and get back away from the cliff edge and the 35m drop I was standing on...

I hope you are lucky on both counts.

Puffins are strange birds. It seems that you are either needing to use binos to see a tiny bit of them and a short glimpse and come away considering yourself lucky to have seen one, or you find that they are not in the slightest bit bothered by your presence and will walk right up to you.

I remember one trip we had to the Orkney Islands. We went over to Westray I think it was (could have been Papa Westray, but it is the one you can get to with the car, rather than foot passengers only). Anyhow, we had gone out to look for Puffins at one of the cliffs

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I saw 1 yesterday but was a bit too close to the edge of a cliff in a gusting wind so didn't stick around for long.
Apparently England is having a heat wave, we are wearing our woolies :laugh:

All the hotels we have stayed at have been lovely and warm so it tickles me to see people at the breakfast table wearing their outdoor gear, heavy boots and thick tops! We go in sock feet, trousers and short sleeve tops. Go back to the room then wrap up for the day.
These are ลูกประคบ. All I know is that they contain herbs and spices (primarily cinnamon). Perhaps I should enter them in the spice of the month challenge?

ลูกประคบ s.jpg

They are heated in a steamer and then applied to tired and aching bones (of which I have plenty). Surprisingly they do give some relief although I can imagine that it's only the heat and I guess it will not be long lasting.
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