The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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I had all four removed at one time. I was under general anaesthesia, so I didn't feel a thing. I was pretty sore for a week or two, but nothing terrible.

Make sure to do all the rinsing they tell you to do. You will heal faster.


I had two removed at the same time, but the surgeon left a part in my jaw which became infected. They then had to cut through my gums and break off the remaining bit of tooth without anesthesia to remove the infected part . The surgeon was later fired for malpractice on me and others

So that and some worse things not mentioned here caused the anxiety.

I know it's going to be easy when it's done, but PTSD is not something any rational thought will shut down.
Green bin was emptied overnight. I'll load the last of the tree I cut down yesterday. Logs going to daughters friend, he has a log burner. Good result.

Today is the day we were originally scheduled to depart on our 30th anniversary two-week holiday to Norway (cruise) and London (city break).

Aw, who wants to see stupid old Norway, anyway? I'd much rather be sitting at home, doing laundry. 😒
This is probably us for the next 8 days.


Numpty alert! I was grating cheese and accidently grated my knuckle as well, good job I am married to a trained first aider.
We got a nice, soaking rain this morning. My new pepper and herb plants needed that. I have no scientific evidence, but zI think rain water is better for plants than city water from the sprinklers.

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