Usually I'm into rock and heavy metal, but I don't generally listen to that while cooking.
Wow, I have been discovering heavy metal and rock alongside my boyfriend, or because of him, recently. But also not during the process of cooking, I kind of devote my whole attention to the music, as I want to get to know it.
Interesting thread! When nourished well, one can create anything well, including music. I am into composing little pieces of music myself in the past several months, and it is such a rewarding and exciting journey. One of my coworkers said a student of his will perform my piece next school year. That is fantastic. Can't wait to hear it.
I do find similarities in the creative process, in the music composing and the cooking, possibly an equal amount of curiousity, unknown, excitement, love, beauty, trial and error, experimentation, enjoyment in the results.
When I think about it, I would probably choose certain genre of music, according to the food or occasion in question. But I could imagine listening to, say, japanese (traditional) music and being inspired to search a japanese dish recipe...
I still have to read my scribbled notes (cooking instructions) and be very focused on what I am doing while cooking for most dishes, in particular new recipes, so I don't find myself being able to focus on music at the same time...but during eating, yes, possible. Have I done it recently? No, not really, I prefer the silence and the bird chirping. Probably to erase and detach from the school enviroment which is full of music and practice and attempts and what not.
Curious to read further psots on the topic.