The teeth thread

You know, the way my brain works, I really seriously think I simply can’t recognize when things go off-topic - which probably drives Morning Glory and SatNavSaysStraightOn crazy, because I’m the last person on staff to spin things off to a new topic, because it just doesn’t register with me where the break is. 🤷🏻

Everything’s related, right? :laugh:
Usually off-topic threads are the most entertaining, IMO!

Edited to add that we could have a spinoff of a spinoff about off topic threads...JK :D
I lost my first two playing rugby, aged 14.
The next one - a front tooth - thanks to a lunatic neighbour who assaulted me.
The same front tooth broke off at the gum when I was 39, and I had to lose two more for the bridge.
Then followed severe periodontial disease, which accounted for another dozen or so.
6 years ago, I was waiting in the traffic in Caracas and a lunatic motorcyclist decided I was in his way - so he smashed me in the mouth with his helmet. Two more gone.
Last November, my dentist removed 5 more.
I´m now the proud owner of 8 original gnashers.
I guess I can add to this. I have had to have 3 of my 4 wisdom teeth removed because they were impacted. The 4th exists, it just never decided to put in an appearance so to speak.

The rest are all my own but there is 1 that is causing a few concerns now. A front molar on the lower jaw that had a filing when I was a child. I lost the filing cap (the visible bit) some decades back but in order to deal with it they would have to drill the actual filling out which no one wants to do. The tooth itself is now starting to "give up". In quotes because the actual tooth is fine, the filling is still fine but the inside of the tooth, the area that the filling cap used to cover is chipping off slowly. Every now and again I notice another bit is missing so I now can't chew things like toffee or chew almonds on that side (fine with softer nuts such as cashew). it doesn't hurt, there's no physical pain just a pressure sensation and I have to dig out what every I've eaten from that tooth... it's been like this for 15 years or so now though but I know sooner or later it will give up the ghost.

I've a couple of chips off my front teeth (stone in the face, mountain bike accident and another I won't mention) and vertical splits in the enamel from pressure but otherwise approaching 50, that tooth is really the only problem. I just have to remember to give it a like extra attention at night with the toothbrush.
Finally went to the dentist today. Not been for 12 years and other than needing 1 filling to replace one that had finally fallen out completely (whole reason for going), only a clean and polish was needed.
I've had to wait for the actual plug of the old filling to come out naturally because no-one anywhere has wanted to actually drill out a perfectly good filling that's was just missing it's cap, making a bigger hole, so for almost 20 years, I've been waiting for it to disappear. I don't actually know when it did, but I stopped being able to chew hard nuts such as roasted almonds on that tooth back around the time my left hip got really bad last year, so I wasn't able to do anything at the time.

So other than reminding me to use a fluoride toothpaste because I live on untreated, un-anythinged water, it was a short appointment by a very surprised dentist.
Ah ha! But do you eat chocolate?

I also drink copious quantities of beer and have virtually all my own teeth left.
I eat chocolate and have nearly all of my own as well (had some molars removed due to space issues and one molar pulled a couple years ago). Some of it's genetics, some could be diet and nutrition, some might be luck? I know a guy who lost all his front teeth due to a car wreck in his early 20s.
Ugh, dentist today.. Only a checkup but I have a fobia :rolleyes: hopefully nothing is wrong then I won't have to come back!
I’m right there with you - I have one on Monday. Just a cleaning, but I do have a tooth I need seen to. Good luck!
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That’s something that’s never really appealed to me, but my in-laws did that for about three years after they retired, scouting out a permanent retirement location, and once they settled, they sold the RV.

Congrats! It was easy because you know what you’re doing!

I’m right there with you - I have one on Monday. Just a cleaning, but I do have a tooth I need seen to. Good luck!
:hug:it's necessary, but pleasant is quite something else. I've been okay'd for another 6 months though, not drinking coke every day (even though it was only 1 can) has worked magic on my teeth that now 'look perfectly healthy'. Not that it was so bad before, but I used to have one cavity each time for the past 3 years until I quit the soda habit. Guess I have to admit they are right that too much sugar is bad for your teeth.
:hug:it's necessary, but pleasant is quite something else. I've been okay'd for another 6 months though, not drinking coke every day (even though it was only 1 can) has worked magic on my teeth that now 'look perfectly healthy'. Not that it was so bad before, but I used to have one cavity each time for the past 3 years until I quit the soda habit. Guess I have to admit they are right that too much sugar is bad for your teeth.
I think it's not just the sugars, it's the acid that wears away the enamel. And of course if you are vitamin D3 deficient, your teeth are more vulnerable (I think I remember you and I discussing that before). I was D3 deficient, now I take 100 Mcg D3 daily and 600 mg of calcium to keep my teeth and bones strong.
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