update on whats been happening to me

well this is a kinda " thank you " BBQ for friends that have helped us in one way or another during the past few months , they would understand even if i postphoned it , but if there is any way that i can get it done , i'm going to , all of these people have been a huge help to us and i feel that i owe it to them .
People who love you won't mind helping you even more. I would bend over backwards (which at my age isn't easy lol) to help a friend or family member in need. I think you could easily get some of those loved ones to take instruct (if I were one of them for a friend I would do so happily). Never be afraid to ask for help. I know that when others have felt the way that I believe you do, I never felt like they owed me anything.
I totally agree with JAS_OH1. Do your BBQ, because your heart is already set on it, but delegate the cooking, the prep, the organisation to others. Your surgery sounds pretty delicate to me, and the last thing you want to have is back to the operating table!
this will be my 6th back surgery, i have always been able to get back up and running fairly fast , but this is going to be the most extencive one yet . guess i'll just have to see how i feel after its over . i should be just getting out of surgery about this time next Monday (12:45 pm ) it supposed to start at 7:15 am.... doc said it would take 6-8 hours
this will be my 6th back surgery, i have always been able to get back up and running fairly fast , but this is going to be the most extencive one yet . guess i'll just have to see how i feel after its over . i should be just getting out of surgery about this time next Monday (12:45 pm ) it supposed to start at 7:15 am.... doc said it would take 6-8 hours
I suspect having 4 discs replaced along with the accompanying scaffolding, it may take more or of you than you're expecting. But with surgery like this, you're so bad before hand that recovery is faster than people imagine simply because you feel so much better for it in the long run.

I've only had 2 discs done in any single surgery, but that included a vertebraectomy and reconstruction to the central vertebrae and it took a fair bit out of me. But when I had 1 disc fused and relevant scaffolding done, I was back in my feet the same day.

Best wishes for the surgery. 4 discs fused in one go, (are they all next to each other?) is a lot.
the fusion is where my spine joins my hip bone the other dise are from L3 thru 5 i think
i just remember the doc said 3 for sure the 4th maybe
the part i am dreading is the metal rods he is going to put in my back ...thats gotta hurt
Mine don't hurt. (Bones don't have nerves, only the surrounding tissue does. )
I only have 1 level fused in that area (L5-S1), but I have a birth defect from L4 down, so expect more surgery in future.

When I went in for my neck to be fused, it was left to the surgeon to decide which disc was the worst and I was expecting 1 fusion. Instead both were fused C5-C6-C7, along with the middle vertebra (C6) being removed, and reconstructed. We now joke that I had my head taken off and put back on again 1cm higher. 😃

That didn't hurt either, but luckily for my neck the fusion wasn't done with the conventional scaffolding as I tend to call it. The result has been no loss of movement in my neck, but I have lost movement in my lower spine, add you will too.
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