Using food products as natural cleaning products

Jelly copier; this was something I did on a VSO training course. It was more a bit of fun than a serious exercise. You make jelly in a flat tray and then write or draw something on a piece of paper, then lay the paper face down onto the jelly. That should leave an imprint and you should then be able to make a few copies from what's on the jelly.
Vinegar and water is also very good for windows and mirrors. Best if a crumpled newspaper is used to wipe it off. No residue, no streaks and much less expensive than window cleaner.

A soap spray is effective in the garden on soft bodied insects - like aphids.


My apartment cleaner who comes once a week uses vinegar and wáter with newspaper for Windows and Mirrors and it is great for the tile floors in the bathroom as well ..

Years ago, there were no supermarket "detergents" and vinegar ( we are wine producers and vinegar producers) so it is quite an ancient means of cleaning.
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