Were do you do your food shopping?

l always visit the market to get my fruits and vegetables and I buy everything else from the supermarket what about you?
Me too, since the supermarket is more accessible where I live. I'm so grateful that these supermarkets now have more spices and herbs than they used to in the past. It makes shopping more convenient.
Yeah I have noticed that there are more spices in the stores now. I like the variety they have now because I don't have to look for certain spices anymore.
I go to the supermarket for most things, but go to Sprouts for produce and coffee.
The market, the local farm also, but for other things that are not fresh fruit, veg, eggs or meat I generally do a mix of Aldi, Lidl, Pound Shop, Farm Foods, Tesco & Morrisons! Oh and Holland & Barratt.
I hit up a couple of local discount grocery stores for all of my staples, pantry items, dried goods, meats, etc... Then I go to the farmers markets for my veggies, and lastly I will hit up some of the higher end grocery stores for a few specialty items here or there. I would never attempt to do all of my shopping at a place like Whole Foods, since they charge and arm and a leg for everything. I only go to places like that for just a few specific items. I'm not spending $5 for a can of crushed tomatoes when I can get them for 89 cents to $1 at another store, for example.
I do my shopping at the cheapest place around. To be honest no supermarket is really cheap now. They might be cheap in some thing but they are dear in other things. Anyway I do my shopping at a supermarket called Lidl. I like to get my meat at my local butchers though. There isn't a fruit and veg market where I live which is a disappointment too. I would like to get my veg some where were I know that it hasn't been sprayed with lots and lots of chemicals.
I love to shop at a farmers market right by my house. I can get all my fruits and veggies at a lower cost! I love it.
While I am at school though two states away, I usually shop at Stop and Shop. I have been trying to find a farmers market around her for better priced veggies and fruits but I have no luck. I feel like big grocery stores always make up the healthier foods which can be a little annoying. Especially if you are on a college budget :(
Usually go to Walmart since I have a discount card, plus they allow ad matching so it saves on travel time.

Lately I've been going to Target or Cashwise because they are closer to my college campus so I can walk there or take public transportation. Plus with Target you can combine manufacturer coupons, Target coupons, and Target Cartwheel as well as a 5 cent discount per reusable bag. So I've been saving quite a bit of money by heading there and also by buying their store brand items.
I make a monthly trip to Walmart and Save-a-Lot for my staples and most of the brand named items that I buy. I hit the weekly deals at the two local grocery stores that I frequent. Carlie C's IGA has great meat and great prices on their meat. I get most of the meat there. Food Lion has occasional sales and very good produce so I get most of my produce from there. I think its best to shop at different stores for their sales and for variety.
I just go to the local grocery store. Really, I see no point in going to some big place just to get some food, because since I live in the European Union, there are certain regulations that all food companies have to meet or they can't start their businesses.
I always go to the supermarket every weekend to go shopping for our food consumption for the week to come and I prefer this than going to the market because I feel that it is more convenient to shop in a supermarket and there are many things or items to choose from.
I buy most of my groceries from Trader Joe's or Sprouts Farmers Market. I don't shop at the local farmer's market as much as I would like.
I usually purchase all of my groceries at my local supermarket/grocery store but thankfully the quality of fruit and vegetables in supermarkets in New Zealand is extremely high. :) My local supermarket also stocks lots of locally produced products such as chutneys, cheeses, artisan breads, orange juices ect.. Occasionally, when I can be bothered to wake up early enough, I'll go to a weekend market.
I show at the supermarket, Dollar Tree and Walgreen's. Why? I am always searching for the best deals. Also, all of these stores are within a 3-minute radius from each other in my neighborhood. So, I can easily go to all of them in one food shopping spree.
I try to do most of my shopping at local markets; vegetables, fruits and diary there are top quality. I get meat with my local butcher. Other products like olive oil, coffee and dried goods are bought at the supermarket.
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