What did you cook/eat today (November 2017)?

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Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
12:06 PM
SE Australia
Each month, we start a new thread called "What did you cook/eat today?"

Tell what you have cooked or eaten on that day. As simple as that. The thread is simply to show what you have prepared and/or eaten because it varies so much from person to person and from country to country. Feel free to also cover any meal or snack that you have eaten during the day.

And we love photos!
Given it's spring and starting to warm up here in the southern hemisphere, I'm onto salads for lunch...


And yes, I know, there another double yolker in there! :D
So lunch was lettuce, carrots, celery, snow peas, tofu, red and green peppers, red grapes, small plum tomatoes, spring onions, hummus, a hard boiled egg and a mushroom. I ate the dates earlier and will probably add in a few green olives as well.
Pork mince & veg stir fry with a single pack of instant ramen noodles added in. The sauce was ginger, garlic, soy, oyster sauce & sesame oil.


I’m pretty sure I managed my full intake of fruit & veg today.

Onion, carrot, cabbage, mushrooms, asparagus & silverbeet greens + chives.

If I cook these sort of stir fries my kids eat all the veg - excepting mushrooms.
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Unfortunately, very little and nothing interesting ..

I caught a terrible cold and it is just some home made chicken soup from home made stock / broth with "vermecilli noodles" and a ginger peeled and boiled in wáter to créate an herbal infusión and fresh honey from farm near by .. So, I am feeling a little better but appetite is on very limited ..
Given it's spring and starting to warm up here in the southern hemisphere, I'm onto salads for lunch...

View attachment 11311

And yes, I know, there another double yolker in there! :D
So lunch was lettuce, carrots, celery, snow peas, tofu, red and green peppers, red grapes, small plum tomatoes, spring onions, hummus, a hard boiled egg and a mushroom. I ate the dates earlier and will probably add in a few green olives as well.


Lovely salad .. Enjoy ..
My Honey is out of town so I am making a mess in the kitchen.

I have most of a store bought rotisserie chicken in the fridge and took a carcass of another out of the freezer. So chicken celery soup with enough broth to separate and freeze in addition to the soup.

Rummaging through the pantry I found of package of chocolate chips. Oh my - chocolate chip cookies! I rarely crave sweets. When I do I eat a piece of dark chocolate. The chocolate chips are just too much to resist. Shame on me. I will have to hide the cookies in my desk drawer. It is really evil to tempt my Dear One with things he can not have.

Thank you Elizabeth ..

Colds have their travelling routes around one´s weak points .. I had a sick work mate and the whole office has come down with colds and flu symptoms .. However, I had no fever, I felt like I did .. Very draining .. So, I will work at home until next Monday .. I was happy it was a bank holiday today ..
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