What did you cook or eat today (March 2022)?

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Today we had a faceful of chilaquiles, with a proper home-made salsa verde (green sauce). That went down a treat!

Salt baked beetroot (normal, candy and golden), horseradish, candied hazelnuts and pickled fennel with watercress.... I think I am slightly addicted to horseradish and this was a particularly potent one!

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I love the sound of this very much. Its a bit of shame we can't see those pretty beetroots in the photo. Don't take this as a criticism of your dish which I think is a great concept and combination of flavours. I'm just making a point about 'food styling' or 'plating'. It won't make a jot of difference to how it tastes!
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I love the sound of this very much. Its a bit of shame we can't see those pretty beetroots in the photo. Don't take this as a criticism of your dish which I think is a great concept and combination of flavours. I'm just making a point about 'food styling' or 'plating'. It won't make a jot of difference to how it tastes!
Totally get what you say from a photo perspective, I think it works a little better in the flesh as you move/spread the rabbit food to reveal the beets and other goodies underneath. I've been to Heston's Dinner a few times where what you see isn't what you get and whilst I am not up to recreating his "meat fruit" I do conceal elements to create some intrigue when serving

PS. perfectly comfortable with criticism
I've been to Heston's Dinner a few times where what you see isn't what you get and whilst I am not up to recreating his "meat fruit" I do conceal elements to create some intrigue when serving

That is an excellent point and one I hadn't considered. I was thinking in terms of food photos. I had Heston's booked for a birthday lunch some years ago (you have to book well ahead) and ended up a few days before the date in hospital with a broken pelvis. That was so disappointing...
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