What did you cook or eat today (October 2020)?

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Nothing fancy, but I raided the veg plot earlier today removing rather a large quantity of very tender rhubarb... 5L later and we have started to make some inroads...

Rhubarb crumble. The topping was baked in the oven (half the sugar the recipe states) before being added to the already stewed rhubarb.
Ravioli & tortellini with vegetable, white wine, cream & basil sauce.
Since I had parsley in the fridge that needed to be used, I am having a parsley party for lunch.
I made a parsley sauce blending it with anchovy fillets, Evoo, salt, garlic and grated Parmesan.

Sandwich with parsley sauce and an addition of another anchovy fillet

Jacket potatoes stuffed with parsley sauce




Animals taste like what they eat. Squirrels eat nuts, seeds and grain. If cleaned properly they have a mild nutty flavor. Braising is the best preparation.
caseydog don't turn your nose up. Nutria are ugly and very destructive. I have eaten Nutria. The meat was very mild and tender. It was braised. Nutria feed on water grass. Nutria fur is beautiful. I would wear a Nutria fur coat.
Elizabeth, we ate muskrats up here. Trapped them also - sold the furs to furriers and all the sportsman's club around here would buy up the meat for their annual “game feeds” and feather parties.
Grandparents would make a Sunday meal of hasenpfeffer using the muskrats in place of the rabbits

My sisters and I all learned how to trap, hunt and fish under the guidance of our Dad. We had to eat what we caught and use as much as we could from our harvests. For instance, fish meat we ate, carcasses and innards were used for bait in the snapping turtle traps. We really had a great time in the outdoors with our Dad.
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