What did you cook or eat today (October 2023)?

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Ok, here’s the story:

We both woke up stuffed full from last night, but went to breakfast anyway, and stuffed ourselves more (I did, anyway; MrsT ate very little).

Then we had afternoon tea and looked over the evening menu, which we really didn’t care for, so I said, “Let’s cancel our dinner reservation and just go to one of the casual restaurants you want to try <Irish pub or upscale pizza place>.”

“Yeah, sounds good, let’s go to the pizza place!”

After the tea, MrsT said she was so full she felt sick. I just felt sort of full, so we pushed our plans back from 6PM to 7PM.

At 7PM, she still wasn’t hungry: “I think I just want to go to the buffet and grab some fruit and a bottle of water.”

“Ok, that’s right next to the slice shop, so I can still get a piece of pizza, at least, and a beer.”

I told her where I’d be sitting, and we went our separate ways:

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I added some fries for a more balanced meal. :wink:

What did Mrs “I’m so full I’m gonna puke” T come back with? A plate of mashed potatoes and gravy, potato salad, and sausage rolls…and then she ordered a beer! :laugh:

You are getting value for your money!!!

Home in lil ol nz. No servants gushing over me.

Corned beef n chow sammy.

A better day yesterday with food. We were up in Hebden Bridge visiting my youngest brother-in-law and found a vegetarian/vegan cafe he didn't know (we use an app called Happy Cow). So that meant the selection was better and for one there was more salad stuff we could have.



We had the hummus sharing plater between the 2 of us and given all of their cakes are vegan, we had one of those each as well, and traded ½ & ½.

Apparently the cafe was in a makeover show recently (Interior Design Masters with Alan Carr, Series 2, Episode 7). The cafe was called "Chapter 17", but is now called "The Retreat".


No photos but my mil had also cooked when we got to their place last night. She'd make a vegetable ratatouille which was nice (just making any protein at all) so yesterday was good. We actually felt like we'd eaten real food rather than the offerings of pubs only really interested in serving meat.
Your husband's pizza looks very interesting. We have a package of nduja in the refrigerator now. Was the onion a heavy or light vinegar pickle and can he describe the spicy pepper sauce a little more please?
Sorry I can't help you there, I'm the big foodie in our house and my husband had a burnout for which he is at home right now. He can't remember since I only asked today after reading this.
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