What is quinoa (keenwah)?


4 Oct 2012
Local time
6:26 AM
I've heard it mentioned in an M&S radio advert recently but don't have a clue what it is?
Apparently, it's a sort of grain that isn't quite a grain, and has a sort of nutty flavour.

Used in similar ways to cous-cous, bulgar, etc.

At least hearing about it in a radio ad, you know how to pronounce it! When it first came out, I think everyone said "Quinn-oa".
Apparently, it's a sort of grain that isn't quite a grain, and has a sort of nutty flavour.

Used in similar ways to cous-cous, bulgar, etc.

At least hearing about it in a radio ad, you know how to pronounce it! When it first came out, I think everyone said "Quinn-oa".

I guess mine was not the most comprehensive of responses! Mind you, yesterday I could not even get tomorrow & yesterday the right way around... managed to get some sleep last night (though going by my attempts so far, another coffee is needed)
Ah ha - nice one - thanks guys (ladies). :D

And (pinching the image from Wikipedia) it looks like this when it's cooked (red quinoa):

Something to try - just to say you have - but I can't work out from looking at the picture whether it would be a dry or wet tasting food?
It's really tasty.

A bit like couscous in texture but with a more nutty taste.

You cook it a bit like couscous except you boil it for 5 or 10 mins (whatever the recipe says) and strain it rather than adding boiling water and letting it rest.

We eat it quite a lot as a rice / pasta / couscous alternative - I tend to fry some onion and garlic and chilli and check in some frozen peas or other goodies to it.

Very healthy apparantly

I've got a great recipe for a spring green quinoa paella with loads of asparagus, broad beans etc which is bang in season. I made it on the BBQ last Bank Holiday. Unfortunately I haven't a link but it's in this book, which is superb!

Everyone keeps telling me how healthy it is, but to me, it looks too much like cous cous, and I really don't like that - either the texture or the bland taste. Mind you, I never used to like brown rice, but now I prefer it to basmati, so maybe I should take the bull by the horns and give it a go. I don't think I'll get Tony to try it though - it's all I can do to get him to eat rice once a week!
If you don't like the taste or texture of couscous I doubt you'd like quinoa. I don't believe the health benefits of these foods are enormously different - as long as you eat a sensible amount and have plenty of fresh stuff

For carbs I'd stick to rice (especially if I lived in Spain!) or pasta
I believe it is technically a seed, but it shares a lot in common with grains - including some of the bad effects for people who are intolerant to gluten and wheat products, from what I've read. Personally I don't like the taste of it at all, it's way too nutty tasting and the seeds are a bit hard, even after they've been cooked long enough. I feel like I've eaten a bowl of gravel when I have it with meals.
I haven't tasted either couscous or quinoa and I'm prettty much wanted to try it. Quinoa doesn't grow on the Philippines where I live because it is rice that is abundant here. I've heared about quinoa only here on the internet so I'm curious about it.
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