What is the best brand of whole grain pasta?


3 Dec 2013
Local time
4:55 PM
Last year, I made a concerted effort to buy whole grain pasta. Why? My doctor says it's healthier. The problem - the way whole grain pasta cooks is different than non-whole grain pasta. So, at times, I ended up with a starchy mess. Some of this, I do blame on the brand because I noticed that even in that respect whole grain past differs.

So, what is the best brand of whole grain pasta? Also, what are your cooking suggestions for it?
I usually buy Barilla pasta and when I switched over to wheat, I just started buying Barilla's wheat pastas. I haven't tried many others, but I found the transition really easy with this brand and didn't notice much of a difference. I became accustomed to the taste pretty quickly and now it's my preferred type of pasta!
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