What is the most horrifying food you can think of?

I can take its sickly bitterness, especially if there's a good chewy meat (and a LOT of bland carbs) to go with it, and in many recipes it's even stewed with scrambled eggs and tomatoes to take the edge off and give it some sweet-tartness.

One time I was sick, I forced myself to eat a few servings because I couldn't smell or taste anything anyway...I felt stronger and healthier within just hours! So now that revolting vegetable is my favorite home remedy, but of course I understand more sensitive palates.
Whoa, now this got me curious. I really couldn't seem to get myself to eat ampalaya because I really don't like the taste regardless of the ingredients mixed in. But I really want to try other recipes involving this, haha.

But it got me curious to see that ampalaya actually works as a remedy. I often believed it at first because "vegetables are always like this," but not to this extent, haha. It seems my impression for the ampalaya has changed, haha.
I'm a vegetarian for ethical reasons, so my beliefs are more extreme. However, I do see the validity in some of these arguments. I do not think it is fair to value one animal's life more than another and make a certain type of animal more acceptable to slaughter than another. That being said, I do not believe in the slaughter of any animal. So I find these foods quite horrific. But I find the treatment of animals in my country and the states quite offensive also.
We will have to agree to disagree. Slaughtering an animal that is only on this earth because we use it for food is not the same as boiling and skinning alive a companion animal.

The species of animal that is only on this earth for food, and the species of animal that is considered a companion animal...is different depending on the culture on earth, was my point. There is no one earthly standard for what is food and what is a companion animal. Adding to what MoniqueS asserts:

I'm a vegetarian for ethical reasons, so my beliefs are more extreme. However, I do see the validity in some of these arguments. I do not think it is fair to value one animal's life more than another and make a certain type of animal more acceptable to slaughter than another. That being said, I do not believe in the slaughter of any animal. So I find these foods quite horrific. But I find the treatment of animals in my country and the states quite offensive also.

I can accept death, as long as it's as painless as possible for the animal and they were given good lives. Personally, I fell off the vegetarian-vegan wagon, but when I do eat meat I do my best to be conscientious about not supporting a food industry that puts animals in miserable conditions for their whole lives... sadly, not many of the many, many intermediaries between the living thing and the food on my plate can help me with that

Some of the things we, as a civilization, do to animals whether food animals or companion animals--that's a real horror story!

Whoa, now this got me curious. I really couldn't seem to get myself to eat ampalaya because I really don't like the taste regardless of the ingredients mixed in. But I really want to try other recipes involving this, haha.

But it got me curious to see that ampalaya actually works as a remedy. I often believed it at first because "vegetables are always like this," but not to this extent, haha. It seems my impression for the ampalaya has changed, haha.

Add slivers of ampalaya to sinigang, maybe? If sinigang can get me to eat okra (yuck, okra) then maybe it would make amalaya palatable for you...or maybe that becomes too acidic, because okra has the tamarind and salt cut through the slime.

Continuing on "horrifying fruits and vegetables" (although they can never be more horrifying than animal products): One thing that I really can not bear to eat, no matter how nutritious it turns out to be, is durian! I made a thread about it.
Add slivers of ampalaya to sinigang, maybe? If sinigang can get me to eat okra (yuck, okra) then maybe it would make amalaya palatable for you...or maybe that becomes too acidic, because okra has the tamarind and salt cut through the slime.

Continuing on "horrifying fruits and vegetables" (although they can never be more horrifying than animal products): One thing that I really can not bear to eat, no matter how nutritious it turns out to be, is durian! I made a thread about it.

I haven't though of this. I'd try this out some time, because sinigang is one of my favorite soup-based dishes, haha! I especially love the difference between the pork and the ones with the fish and the seafood, because the pork really has this tingly sour feel while the fish and the seafood have this fruity-sour feel (probably because we put labanos in there).

Either way, speaking of ampalaya in sinigang, this really got me interested in trying out ampalaya in a new kind of dish, haha. Maybe I'd actually get to eat ampalaya this way, haha!
The thought of eating fried insects doesn't actually bother me. My food hate is offal. I like pate made from liver but that is about it. The worst things I can think of are brains and testicles. I just can't stomach the idea. Other than that I am quite adventurous and willing to give most things a go at least once.
Fried Tarantulas, Yum. Personally, I would literally run away if i was presented with a plate of that stuff :stop:
In Thailand, you can find fried cockroaches on a stick. :yuck: Apparently, it does no harm to people who are used to eating it, but I would be truly terrified to look at it let alone eat it.
Interesting Fact: If you are allergic to shellfish, such as shrimp or lobster, then you will most likely be allergic to eating cockroaches as well.
I'd never be able to eat that as I already have a difficult enough time trying to ingest some of the more typical foods that I just don't like such as crabs and shrimp. I'm not really that adventurous when it comes to exotic foods, unfortunately. I once saw a TV segment that showed live octopi being eaten in South Korea, and although I can imagine myself getting used to it enough if I tried hard enough, I just don't think I'd want to unless very necessary.
Tarantula would be pretty high up on my "oh hell no" list, that's for sure.

Some other gross things I would never eat: There is a cheese from Italy, which is illegal in the US, that is made from maggots. When you cut the block of cheese open, there are literally live maggots crawling around inside of it. It's a soft cheese, similar to brie, but the feasting maggots give it it's signature look and taste. There is also some sort of rotted egg which is a delicacy in parts of Asia. The egg literally has a dead baby chicken in it, and it looks really disgusting when cracked open.
There is also some sort of rotted egg which is a delicacy in parts of Asia. The egg literally has a dead baby chicken in it, and it looks really disgusting when cracked open.

That sounds sort of like balut, which is a snack where I live, except that it's a duck egg and not a chicken egg, and it's not rotten--it's just more mature than a yolk-and-whites egg and not as mature as an already hatched bird. No bacteria involved.

That said, it does appear on shows such as Fear Factor a lot, and because I grew up eating it and surrounded by people eating it, it's just meat to me so I don't get it.

It is annoying when it's mature enough that bones crunch while I'm chewing or the, uh... embryotic feathers(?) get stuck in my teeth, so I prefer them underdeveloped enough to be soft and just look like a mishmash of different meats. I also recently found out that they make my acid reflux act up, which is too bad because they used to be my favorite thing to eat piping hot when I had a cold or flu (boiling them makes a natural broth form inside.)
As cringe-worthy as all of this stuff is, it is very fascinating. Tequila worms are one thing, but there is such thing as baby mice wine in Korea. I don't even want to post a picture because it it is scary. I actually find this one quite disheartening.
Yep, that is really an awful thing to contemplate let alone drink. I wouldn't touch it if I was already intoxicated.
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