What made you smile recently?

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But are they any food?

I get it now. But the slang word is aight, not ight. That's what threw me off.
That's what I thought it was, but the "Day" threw me off. I was thinking, "Day'ight? That doesn't make sense. A'ight would, so the D and the Y and the L need to fall off as well."

And for those who might be wondering, that's a franchise doughnut place here, called Daylight Doughnuts.
Guess you can't win them all.
I once went around and around with a guy who had vanity car plates that I didn't get at first. He refused to explain them to me, but gave me clue after clue, and when I finally did figure it out, I kept pretending I didn't, just to watch him get more and more exasperated at my thick-headedness. :laugh:
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