What made you smile recently?

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Never even heard of it!

Edited to add: Googled it. I didn't need to know that.
For those who may not know what a urinal cake is:



That one’s in lovely pink. :laugh:
Here are two from my mum. 94 years old, still firmly entrenched in the habits and customs of the 50s-60s.
The frozen food company came to deliver her some "ready meals", so she asked the driver if he´d mind just taking them into the back of the house and putting them in the fridge, because she couldn´t carry them. Fine, quite happy to do so. Just when he was leaving, she gave him a tip.
Later, she said to me: "Ooh, I gave the delivery man a tip and he looked at me a bit strange."
(Me) " How much did you give him?"
" Two shillings (20 pence - about a quarter)"
:eek: :eek: :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Then there was my aunt´s funeral. Her favourite colour was pink, so the family asked for people to wear something pink, if possible. The pall bearers all wore pink ties. As we left, she was stood staring at one of the bearers - young bloke - pink tie. She turned to my brother and whispered: " He´s wearing a pink tie!! Do you think he´s "one of those"???"
Probably went to school together... :eek: :D:D:D
I was just picturing the two of them sitting down together (now) trying to have a conversation and having no idea what the other one was saying, LOL. I imagine they both have a bit of an accent/dialect that are completely different. Might need an interpreter!
My daughter came round.* She is helping me de-clutter. She actually enjoys de-cluttering! :D We spent hours going through the old paperwork in a cupboard in the front room. There was one pile of paperwork carefully folded with an with an elastic band around it, labelled: 'To do - urgent!'

Everything in the pile dated from 2011. Had I done any of it? No. Did it matter? No!

*Some will know I am paranoid about catching Covid and still don't really socialise. Holly tests twice a week due to her job, so I felt it was time I let her over the threshold.
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