What one vegetable do you dislike the most?


Über Member
28 Nov 2016
Local time
11:10 AM
north of UK
I was reading an article yesterday that listed a number of things this person didn't like about x, y or z... It got me thinking. When I ate meat, I used to hate eating gammon. With fish and seafood it was sardines or more accurately still is, I can't stand even the smell of them.

So I was wondering, having eaten most vegetables commonly available, what's the one vegetable (not fruit) that people dislike the most? Just one, mind you...

I can't think of one I actually dislike. I can name fruit I don't like, but not a vegetable.
Which means along with the tripe, I won't be eating menudo.
My least liked are sweet potatoes, sqaush and yam. All tending to be too sweet for me.
Menudo: Either a 90's boys band or a Mexican soup. Key ingredients are hominy and tripe. Usually used as a hangover remedy.
Is hominy a veg? I thought it was grain...
And once again the AE to BE strikes.
Technically, you are correct. But here, hominy and corn are sold as vegetables. Do not look for them with the rice and beans or the pasta.
Oh and tomatoes are in the vegetable aisle too.
Menudo: Either a 90's boys band or a Mexican soup. Key ingredients are hominy and tripe. Usually used as a hangover remedy.

And once again the AE to BE strikes.
Technically, you are correct. But here, hominy and corn are sold as vegetables. Do not look for them with the rice and beans or the pasta.
Oh and tomatoes are in the vegetable aisle too.
I must admit that tripe and corn doesn't sound a very appetising combination!:happy:
Tomatoes are in the veg aisle over here too. As are avocados. Corn on the cob (fresh corn) would appear in our veg aisles too.
I must admit that tripe and corn doesn't sound a very appetising combination!:happy:
Tomatoes are in the veg aisle over here too. As are avocados. Corn on the cob (fresh corn) would appear in our veg aisles too.
Not corn. It has to be hominy. Oh and hubby loves it.
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