What produce/ingredients did you buy or obtain today (2024)?

I must have spent $300 today on (mostly) groceries:


Local brewery, started by an acquaintance of ours several years ago.


Quality butter on sale for $2.49…if you bought five, so I bought five.



More to follow…
I just put together a curbside pick up order (my cart has 27 items in it) at the local supermarket close by our condo in Honolulu.
I just wanted a few things to get us started, ya know, basics, coffee, cream, eggs, sandwich makings ...
$210 USD
I'm afraid of what the tab will be when I make up my order for the Full Monty at Walmart.
Rice paper wrappers in a square which I’m looking forward to using. I think (hope) they’ll provide an easier roll and maybe even look nicer.


It’s for this little lunch that a YouTube reviewer guided me to on tiktok. If you don’t have a tiktok account (and it’s not auto playing for you on here) just either close the box asking you to sign in or tap the “continue as a guest” button and you can watch the vid anyway.
Warning it’s ticktok so it’s over in 13 seconds!

View: https://www.tiktok.com/@simplefood4you/video/7174072851165695238?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7373060609418593825
Four stops today (plus lunch) - Meijer (unusual for me), Kroger, Dorothy Lane, and ALDI:



MrsT hasn’t had Pop-Tarts in years and years, but she suddenly got a craving.



Thatsa lotta garlic!… :whistling:
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