What's going on in your garden (2018-2022)?

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Tomato plants and lettuce are looking really good. There are lots of raspberries that will be ready in a few weeks.

My whole front yard is native plants. They are drought tolerant, and fairly low maintenance. My trees are also native. They can go months without rain. My neighbors ask me all the time why my yard looks so good in the worst conditions, and I tell Tham the trick is to grow things that grow here in nature -- with no help from humans.

Now, to be honest, some of my neighbors did not like my yard when I first planted it, and complained to the HOA, but I told them to give it some time. They did, and now they love it.

We have a lot of native plants in our yard, too. We call ours "weeds". :D
This is the first year theres been a bumper crop. The plant is about 4 years old. Previous years it didn't yield much. I eat various types of berries with yogurt on a regular basis. We shall see what this year brings!
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