What's your first choice from the buffet table?

16 Oct 2012
Local time
4:44 PM
Yesterday was the funeral of a close friend, and when we arrived at the social club after the service, everyone made for the buffet table. As it was a West Country funeral, cocktail-sized Cornish pasties were the centrepiece of the spread, and most of the men headed for those first.

I like a good pasty, but my first choice is always the quiche. I never make it myself, as Tony isn't keen, and I'd finish up guzzling the lot!

What's your first choice from the finger buffet? Or don't you like buffets anyway?
Cheese and pineapple on sticks.

Then tiny sausage rolls.

I like buffets, although I need to find a spot to stand where I can put my drink down, I'm useless at juggling a plate and drink and eating at the same time.
what would be my first choice ........................................ a decent pork pie
what would be my first choice ........................................ a decent pork pie
Very often, they tend to go for cheap options to keep the cost down. At the funeral we attended, the caterers made all their own stuff - including the pork pies, pasties and sausage rolls. They were excellent, but other than that, the best pork pies I've ever had were bought at a catering kiosk on Plymouth's Bretonside bus station. If you're ever down that way, check them out.
I'm going to give a very American response - my first choice at a buffet would be, without a doubt, pizza. It's really the perfect food, as it has items from all of the main food groups on it. After pizza, it's on to Italian and then Asian for me.
I go for the veggies first. Broccoli, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, then I look to see what meat they have. I usually wind up getting chicken for the most part.
I would definitely choose a mixture of sausages, lots of cheese, some rolls and probably scrambled eggs. If they would serve pizza or burgers I would not say no to those either.
Yeah it would be nice to see pizza or burgers on a buffet. I would get those even though I shouldn't. But if I get vegetables maybe that will even it out.:D
Yeah it would be nice to see pizza or burgers on a buffet. I would get those even though I shouldn't. But if I get vegetables maybe that will even it out.:D


Little teeny burgers would be fun. Gob-sized food is always a winner, and somehow you can eat your own bodyweight in food if it's bite-size.
Yeah exactly. It's a shame they don't have those on buffets yet, but I think they just might put them on there one day. I would live to see it. Because I would definitely buy as many as I could eat.:D
Yeah exactly. It's a shame they don't have those on buffets yet, but I think they just might put them on there one day. I would live to see it. Because I would definitely buy as many as I could eat.:D

It might be fiddly to make, but not impossible.

Tiny bread buns sliced in half (doughballs maybe?) with teeny little burgers in them....

That sounds really tastey. I hope they do something like that one day. I would definitely get a plate full.:hungry:
I love cheeses and shrimp dishes. They are easy to cook and they make great appetizers. It is easy to create finger foods out of cheeses and shrimp (not necessarily together!)
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