Recipe Winter-Spiced Red Cabbage with Shallots


Legendary Member
12 Mar 2016
Local time
9:27 PM
Shropshire, UK
(To serve 4 as a side dish)

200g shallots
75g butter
600g red cabbage
275ml red wine
150g sultanas
50g soft brown sugar
2 sticks of cinnamon
1pod of star anise
3tbsps red wine vinegar
6tbsps redcurrant jelly


Peel the shallots but leave them whole. Brown them in a heavy based pan using a little of the butter. Remove, and set aside.

Add the remainder of the butter to the pan, add the red cabbage and fry for a couple of minutes until softened. Add the red wine and simmer until the liquid has reduced by half.

Add all of the other ingredients (apart from the redcurrant jelly) and the browned shallots. Bring to a simmer, cover and cook for around 50 minutes until tender.

Remove the lid, add the redcurrant jelly and cook for a further 5 – 1- minutes until most of the liquid has evaporated and the cabbage is slightly sticky and glossy. Season with salt and pepper and serve.

Recipe courtesy of James Martin (from his book “Slow Cooking”)
I must admit I'm not a great fan of red cabbage - I think I've had too many bad examples of pickled red cabbage or something. However this recipe is appealing to me because of the shallots, raisins and spices. Good with Christmas dinner and for leftover cold turkey, I'd think.
I labsolutely love spicy red cabbage like this.
I absolutely hate anything pickled! I thought I didn't like red cabbage, or beetroot until I tried them without vinegar!
Red cabbage is a vegetable that I never really cared for, except a little bit scattered about in cole slaw.
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Rotkohl is part of a favorite meal I usually make for myself on my birthday. My Oma used to make it for me. Saubraten mit rotkohl und kartoffelklosse. Yum.
Rotkohl is part of a favorite meal I usually make for myself on my birthday. My Oma used to make it for me. Saubraten mit rotkohl und kartoffelklosse. Yum.

Looking up a few Rotkohl Recipes, some come quite close to the recipe above. I just ordered some red cabbage in my delivery tomorrow. :D
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