You know you are getting old when..


Midlands, England
14 Oct 2012
Local time
1:15 PM
Leicester UK
My husband bought tickets to a gig and I thought 'great, we will be sitting down'.

We have been to many gigs and stood for many hours, my back and knees don't like that anymore.
You know you are getting old when you see people your age suffering problems and dying from the self abusive things they have been doing all their lives.

Cigarettes, dope, excessive alcohol, picking fights just to get their butts kicked and so forth. All those forms of slow suicide get blatantly apparent.
You know you're old when you realize all you have to do is wait until a person you know, when given enough proverbial rope, will hang themselves so you can go back to having a good chat.

Hi, folks. How you dooin'?
When your head tells you, you are younger than you are. When it takes 10 minutes to get out of bed and limber your joints. When your hip joints ache with a weather change. When your bad habits catch up with you. When you look in the mirror and say "oh" Where is that beautiful young woman I used to be.

Does not matter. I will take any of the aging issues. The alternative is to die.
The moon.jpg
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