Your private life should stay away from work.


Midlands, England
14 Oct 2012
Local time
2:07 AM
Leicester UK
I know I chat a lot on here but there private things happening in my life and I prefer to keep it that way just as you most likely have things going on that you don't want to share.

Working in an office I find that others are only too happy to over share, 3 mums complain about their kids, husband/partner/ex-partner-get to hear about all the rows. One guy found out his wife was cheating and he had to tell everyone the inns and outs of what was going on how he felt etc....
Sorry but I have no interest what so ever in other peoples private lives and wish they wouldn't share so much. Don't mean to sound selfish or uncaring but it is the same thing every day.When the mums start I put my head down and try not to get involved.
Its a difficult subject. Where do you draw the line? People love to chat to unburden their worries and problems. They want to share to see if they can make sense of their issues. Its what we do as human beings. Sometimes our mental health depends on it.

It can be embarrassing and irritating to hear. It can be plain boring! But I always remind myself that people are vulnerable and frightened underneath. They are seeking reassurance, that's all.
My wife always says I'm a softie when helping people with advice or doing something physical for them. I'm a talker and a listener obviously, so it is just natural. My wife had a friend who told her everything, even her son bring molested by their boarder. This woman did nothing about it but Moan to my wife. It started getting my wife down, so much I told her she had to stop seeing her. We even sat in the dark and didn't answer the door or phone for weeks. She got the message. I still feel sorry for her son. The guy molested the kid for years. But he helped with the rent.
Cra cra.

The guy molested the kid for years. But he helped with the rent.
Cra cra.

That is very upsetting and dreadful. An extreme case when 'moaning' should have triggered or been converted into criminal action.

Do you realise what a deep and difficult subject you have started here @Lullabelle! :ohmy::)
This woman was crazy ( cra cra) she rented her sleep out to the guy, her son was in the same sleep out. We lost touch when they moved to Dunedin. I still think about their son, maybe I should have reported it? But then she wouldn't !!

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This woman was crazy ( cra cra) she rented her sleep out to,the guy, her son was in the same sleep out. We lost touch when yhey moved to Dunedin. I still think about their son, maybe I should have reported it? But then she wouldn't !!


I know. Its difficult...
Its a difficult subject. Where do you draw the line? People love to chat to unburden their worries and problems. They want to share to see if they can make sense of their issues. Its what we do as human beings. Sometimes our mental health depends on it.

It can be embarrassing and irritating to hear. It can be plain boring! But I always remind myself that people are vulnerable and frightened underneath. They are seeking reassurance, that's all.

To a point I agree but if you have an issue deal with it, moaning at other people every single day won't always help. One of my colleagues-if her partner says or does/doesn't do something that annoys her, instead of speaking to him she just ignores him for days on end then throws it in his face when they have a blazing row, I wasn't raised in that kind of environment so I find it difficult to understand the reasoning,
To a point I agree but if you have an issue deal with it, moaning at other people every single day won't always help. One of my colleagues-if her partner says or does/doesn't do something that annoys her, instead of speaking to him she just ignores him for days on end then throws it in his face when they have a blazing row, I wasn't raised in that kind of environment so I find it difficult to understand the reasoning,

Yes - have you tried suggesting she ought to discuss it with him?
To each their own I guess.

I’d rather someone feels they can talk to me about things than worry or feel burdened by things. Sometimes I’m only half listening but it makes someone feel better I guess.

I’m a closed book, so keep myself to myself.

Who knows what’s right?
To a point I agree but if you have an issue deal with it, moaning at other people every single day won't always help. One of my colleagues-if her partner says or does/doesn't do something that annoys her, instead of speaking to him she just ignores him for days on end then throws it in his face when they have a blazing row, I wasn't raised in that kind of environment so I find it difficult to understand the reasoning,

Same here, my family all talk and discuss family stuff, no one sulks or stops talking. We are pretty close, that's how I was raised as well. I know of another family who are as you described, sulk and let it build up. I have a distant relly, he was bought up arguing and bitching, his kids do it now, him and her fight then one leaves the home, but are back a week later. I couldn't be bothered, too much wasted energy.

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